
A Little HS Basketball Action

73Rocks73Rocks Registered Users Posts: 147 Major grins
edited January 16, 2012 in Sports
It’s been a very busy winter for me so I am just now getting around to shooting some basketball with my new Canon 7D. I will say so far it has been worth the money I paid upgrading from my Canon 50D. I still have to “tweak” a few settings but I pretty much have them all preset so I don’t have to do too much post-processing.

Here are 4 of my better shots. All shot with my 7D – my trusty 50mm f1.4 prime lens set all the way open to f1.4 – my 580 EX at 1/64<SUP>h</SUP> power for just a little “fill flash”- shutter speed 640/sec – ISO 640 – cropped to 4 X 6 for effect (and for my editor)





Thanks for looking
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