New/Old Cooper River Bridges

Part of the old bridge has already been blown up and is the first part of a new ocean reef for fish. I went looking for some recreational shrimp fishing boats. Couldn't find them, but I did "catch" this! I worked it up kind of light. First I put a lot of contrast in, the way I usually do. Then I wondered what would happen if I didn't. So I left it soft: southern I thought.
Comments are fine! Thanks for looking! Have a good day! ginger

I was not the only one taking a photo of the bridge. He was younger and getting paid, so when he climbed up on a very high ledge, I did not follow him.
I did take his picture. Gave him my card. Too bad these people don't reciprocate, I could give him a picture.

Below is a poster I made of the above photo.
Comments are fine! Thanks for looking! Have a good day! ginger

I was not the only one taking a photo of the bridge. He was younger and getting paid, so when he climbed up on a very high ledge, I did not follow him.
I did take his picture. Gave him my card. Too bad these people don't reciprocate, I could give him a picture.

Below is a poster I made of the above photo.

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
You didn't push this guy over the edge did you ?
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
He seemed more concerned that I might get a better photo, I went down IN the marsh to get one. The tide was out, but I was wearing my good tennis shoes.
I told him I didn't sell my photos, he was a bit friendlier then.
Thanks again, Johno. I like #1, it has the softest colors. I guess I am in the mood for soft!
I really like the shots. You should contact American Society of Civil Engineers ( They put out a yearly bridge calender and I would definitely pick this one as a finalist.
I think your work has been great!!!!
Nice how we run into these other things to photograph while we are looking for something else, isn't it? And I am so glad I found a place from which to photograph that bridge!
thanks for stopping and commenting!
ginger (My daughter definitely wants a calendar from me this year, and she definitely wants this shot in it! I think I will put it on the front.)
I put this story on another thread somewhere, I will copy it here, I think it is funny. And it took them awhile to tell the public about the general "failure" of the bridge to "blow" correctly. Of course, driving is limited to the big NEW bridge and has been since July.
"They blew up, with much fanfare, a part of the old bridge. Not much went right, except the BOOM and the fanfare. They can't find all the pieces to get them out of the shipping lanes, and some of the pieces have unexploded "explosion things" on them. I have not heard when the next "event" to blow up the main part of the bridge is."
I love it when you stumble upon a great shot by accident!!!
That's pretty funny. I like the writing, it makes it sound like it was a bunch of schoolkids playing with m80's. You know, I may have to schedule a trip down there to see the bridge being "blown up". I think it would be great to see, and we've been talking about visiting Charleston for a while.
Since I've slowly been turning my home office into my bridge room, would you be willing to sell me a print?? If so email me at
Ginger this stuck a chord. Much fanfare accompanied the official blowing up of our lovely old Canberra Hospital, as the Government wanted "everything" done at a newer hospital, mainly to inconvenience everyone it seemed. So the great day arrived, turned into a spectacle to take minds of the real issue that we were losing a much needed facility. Talk about bread and circuses. Anyway the whole fiasco literally blew up in their faces, as a spectator was killed by a flying piece of debris. It has left me pretty underwhelmed with the whole destruction/demolition as entertainment thing.
Your shot with the "fellow photographer" is so good. I laughed with your comments -
"He seemed more concerned that I might get a better photo, .... I told him I didn't sell my photos, he was a bit friendlier then".
Isn't that just typical of professional jealousy getting in the way of what could be a good friendly relationship, (yep you should have tipped him off).
I hope you follow up on Snookman's suggestion.
I emailed the link to this thread to my brother; we lived in Mt. Pleasant for 4 years when we were kids. He was so excited, he went off and dug up some websites on the new and old bridges. If anyone is interested, check out or .
Have you been on the walking/bike path yet, Ginger? It must be an amazing view from up there!
My post there was supposed to go here re bridge photo, it goes for all photos.
Thanks so much for all nice things said.
As I say above, in the link, I don't mind people lifting the low res photos at all. And I do have prices, some realistic, some not, on my stuff on my site.
It is all in the above link.
my husband is waiting over my shoulder to use the computer. I would write more................
thanks so much,
I just wish they would drive us old folk up there! First they said they would when it opened, then you had to be handicapped. I wore myself out on the Isle of Palms connector this summer, but I do plan to get up on this bridge sometime, hopefully soon. It is a bit of a "trek".
Wouldn't it be great in a lightening storm.
Thanks all,
The black and white of the photog is my favorite of those two. Pretty cut and dried, just like he was.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke