Easier way to manage photos on site?
There has to be an easier way to manage photos/galleries on my site. I'm trying to revamp the site but it's such a PITA I've been putting it off. Is there an easier way of moving photos into existing galleries or new galleries than what I'm seeing on the site? I'm forever having problems with trying to create a new gallery and then moving photos to that gallery. Not to mention the way the galleries are listed is RIDICULOUSLY confusing--not in alphabetical order and it lists ALL galleries (main and sub) in one long list. Ugh!!!!
Please tell me there's a better way!!!
Please tell me there's a better way!!!
What exactly are you trying to do? If you're just trying to move some images from one gallery to another, be sure you've created a brand new gallery as it will appear at the bottom of the list. That always helps me.
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I'm trying to revamp my site, which does include moving photos around.
I find (more often than not), when trying to create galleries/subs, it just doesn't work properly. Just had created a gallery and went to move photos to it and it wasn't there in the list.
Even if it does work properly, it's still a PITA to manage my site this way. I'd think they would have improved this by now.
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If you're using multiple windows, it's important to choose to move images after you've created the new gallery and giving it a second or two to 'take'. The list of galleries in the move screen is generated on the fly, and if you're too quick, the new gallery won't be in the list. I've run into this problem a few times, but it's rare.
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I'm with you and I haven't done/have tried all of this. Just don't understand why this is never fixed no matter how many, "upgrades," they do to the system. Gallery/photo management is a major problem, pops up all of the time yet it is never addressed with a fix.
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I'll have to try portableapps.com.
Thanks for the suggestion.
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I feel your pain though. I have over 3000 galleries. The gallery picker tool for me is basically useless. Luckily, I rarely need to use it for anything critical.
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While I understand it, a bandaid can't be any worse than the way it works now.
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I'm with you but how long are you going to ignore the wound before trying to treat it? Not like this is a new problem. The features they've been adding have been great but I'd rather have basic functionality before I have many of the stuff they've added.
My site has needed to be revamped for quite some time. I've been putting it off because it's such a pain to deal with it. That hurts my business more than not having extra functionality.
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I had to redo part of my gallery structure some time ago. And I found the easiest way was as follows:
1/ Create all the new Categories and Galleries
2/ Upload all photos from PC to the new folders
3/ When all upload done, delete the old folders and categories
And the most timeconsuming part was actually to delete the old ones since this had to be done one by one
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
I've been lucky that this hasn't affected my business as much as it has yours. But there's a point where if it's that bad, you have to look to other solutions, possibly from other providers. I almost left SM when I found Exposure Manager and their wonderful implementation of ftp uploading. But I was also trying to find a video solution, and when SM added one out-of-the-blue, I stopped development on EM and stuck with SM. I'd still like to see a native ftp uploader for SM. And apparently I'm not the only one as it's #6 on their feature request system.
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I have been considering a move but that's about as much of a PITA as making the changes here.
There is a native application on the Mac for uploading files (MacDaddy). Unfortunately, it does nothing for re-arranging things once everything is there from what I can tell.
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If you haven't, go through every single third-party program that's available and see if anything helps. I've run into solutions to problems this way a few times when I wasn't looking.
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Just wondering what 3rd party solutions there might be on the Mac. I've got the MacDaddy program--which makes it easier (overall)--when uploading but there are no tools there to manage existing galleries.
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