Viewfinder Blurry

reynazackphotographyreynazackphotography Registered Users Posts: 45 Big grins
edited January 20, 2012 in Cameras
Shooting with a Canon 40D.

When I look in the viewfinder, I see everything blurry.
I am able to auto focus and pinpoint where I want to focus. Still looks blurry through the viewfinder.

The photos do NOT come out blurry. They are not blurry on the monitor, nor are they blurry at all when I upload them to the computer.

Anyone have any insight as to what might be wrong with my camera?

(no, it is not poor eyesight.)

Thank you!


  • GadgetRickGadgetRick Registered Users Posts: 787 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    Have you cleaned your viewfinder lately? Sometimes it'll get dirty and that causes this.
  • Moving PicturesMoving Pictures Registered Users Posts: 384 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    Your camera has a little wheel to the right of the viewfinder that adjusts the focus of the viewfinder - so that folks with glasses can take the glasses off and see a focused image when the image is focused.

    Diopter adjustment, I think it's called. Standard issue since the EOS film cameras.
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  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    your camera has a little wheel to the right of the viewfinder that adjusts the focus of the viewfinder - so that folks with glasses can take the glasses off and see a focused image when the image is focused.

    Diopter adjustment, i think it's called. Standard issue since the eos film cameras.

  • CookieSCookieS Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    +2 above, Sometimes the diopter can get moved. you just have to adjust it up or down so auto focus on something, then turn the little dial until everything looks sharp :)
  • jheftijhefti Registered Users Posts: 734 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    +3...this happens to me all the time.
  • puzzledpaulpuzzledpaul Registered Users Posts: 1,621 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    Happened to me in the past, but not since I put a bit of sticky plaster over it :)
    Alternate suggestion would be to use MF and Live view prior to adjustment - that'll remove any AF 'wrinkles' from the equation, imo.

  • CuongCuong Registered Users Posts: 1,510 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    Page 35 of the 40D manual:
    "She Was a Little Taste of Heaven – And a One-Way Ticket to Hell!" - Max Phillips
  • rainbowrainbow Registered Users Posts: 2,765 Major grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    Had this happen to me last night before reading your post... I just put a 1/4" piece of gaffer tape to hold the dial in position and prevent reoccurrences.
  • reynazackphotographyreynazackphotography Registered Users Posts: 45 Big grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    You guys are AWESOME. Saved me a trip to the local repair shop (or worse, a 40 mile trip to Canon!!). I never even noticed that little wheel before. But now I know. Amazing.
    Have a great weekend, all!

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