think these'd make a triptych?

some shots of the girders on an old foot bridge not far from my place. i don't normally do this sort of thing, but every once in a while, i like the variety... 

~ Rocky
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
You know, this whole thing about doing exaggerated PP work on rust images boils down to a purely personal choice stance. The dedicated RUST JUNKIE elects to really get aggressive with his PP work, seeking to expose colors and textures not obvious in a straight shot. Some folks can't bring themselves to drift that far from the perceived reality.
I see tremendous possibilities with your renderings here. The subject selection is great, the composition chosen is very appealing, and you've chosen the abstract approach. But you haven't enticed the rust to expose its hidden qualities. Typically employed techniques include a dramatic boost in saturation, contrast, sharpening....maybe even color channel manipulation and other tricks you select. Your images here have so much potential. Play around with them a little....explore some creative PP. You'll probably be amazed....even the story rust can tell if you give it the chance.
thanks, Tom... i guess i don't fit the "rust junkie' mindset. i see a lot of photos of rusted metal, and the colors have been so jacked up and - as you said - exaggerated, that they look almost like an abstract painting. i'm more of a realism type, and tend to favor presenting what's actually there rather than a heavily Photoshopped and manipulated image that bears only a passing resemblance to the real thing. but i will definitely play with these a bit, and see what else i might be able to bring out...
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
Photo Gallery:
But I know that for us Rust Junkies, we'd love to see, at least in this thread, a thoroughly pushed set of images.
If you are going through ACR or Lightroom, just jacking the Clarity 100% could do wonders for these images!
Looking forward to whatever reworks you do!
Rust Rules
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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For me these... Albeit very nice, lack the punch I feel is needed to warrant framing... Just a little more love is all ya need;)
Love is subjective of course...
Certified Journeyman Commercial Photographer