Quick frame-filler
Practicing with the Trilite reflector setup and a new background - have a shoot on Monday and have felt woefully off my game, so persuaded Mini-D to let me practice.
I like the Trilite - expensive, but it does what it does in a very small footprint which is a godsend for me. That plus a boomstand made for a LOT more shooting space (which makes it ironic that I shot this one so close, but old habits die hard :rofl)
I like the Trilite - expensive, but it does what it does in a very small footprint which is a godsend for me. That plus a boomstand made for a LOT more shooting space (which makes it ironic that I shot this one so close, but old habits die hard :rofl)

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Lovely portrait of Mini-D. You already know I love the crop!
Love it!!!
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Very pretty shot, Diva!
I like the frame filler, I hardly ever venture in that territory.
Love how you have gotten comfortable shooting in other than available light--I have not yet.
I like how it came out and the expression you got on her face and you KNOW she likes it if it's on FB.
A question--do people always clone out catchlights?
I think catchlights are one of those things that's a matter of taste. I personally like complex catchlights - I like them best of all when the reflection is from multiple windows, doors, or other sources (vs clear reflections of an umbrella or SB), but these from the Trilite don't bother me as such. If it were for a client, I'd probably ask them whether they would prefer it with or without since it's a super-quick and easy clone job if they want them removed
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