No Eagles, No Raptors, samo, samo.....

These may be ducks, I suspect they are. We went to the Ace Basin today. I was up at the crack of dawn, but we did not leave terribly early: around 9 I guess. We took the dogs.
But that wasn't the problem, the birds just weren't there for us! And the later it got the fewer the birds were. The place I wanted to go was closed except for hunters. I walked by a marsh towards the area. Someone in charge came to tell me that I couldn't do that, people were shooting with guns.
I thought, so........... Maybe they will scare the birds to me. (Thinking about it I don't know what they were hunting, could have been deer for all I know.).
So, we can't go in that area until February.
We had fun, except for my frustration. I was excited to get to that area. I didn't even see that many regular hawks.
ginger :cry (I wanted to post something, so I worked up this one. I did get egrets, a snowy........samo, samo.) Will work them up......later. And, I got a cute photo of my dogs looking out the car window.) And some people fishing.
And a few more dogs. And my husband dancing with a dog. Saw another version of the edge of the world. That was very peaceful. Way out down a dirt road, long dirt road. We were the only ones there. One picnic table, trees, a boat landing and water. Much water! While I tried to get a few more photos of water, Bill and the dogs ate my lunch. Very peaceful there.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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ginger NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I doubt I would ever tire of the views you have.
So bring on the samo...samo stuff...if you will.:D