DSS 94 & lost kitty :(

Can't say my heart is in this one; one of my "babies" has been missing since Tuesday. I was playing with taking shots "through" a page of tracing shapes; decided it looked pretty hokey so I took some shots of some stairs thinking I would go back & reshoot if I liked the way they turned out. Then when I got to processing, I came across probably my last photos of Finley & although I know it won't get the votes, it's my tribute to one of the most precious & sweetest kitties around.
1. My heart flipped for you

And if adding this last shot is inappropriate in any way, mods please remove it or let me know & I will remove it:

And here's the original hokeyness I was playing with - I was trying to get a different thing in each of the shapes, & it just didn't work. Oh well, at least I got a couple last shots of my Finley.

1. My heart flipped for you

And if adding this last shot is inappropriate in any way, mods please remove it or let me know & I will remove it:

And here's the original hokeyness I was playing with - I was trying to get a different thing in each of the shapes, & it just didn't work. Oh well, at least I got a couple last shots of my Finley.

A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
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