New Sports Photographer needs Critique
I just got started into photography. I bought a Canon 7D in February of 2011. I love shooting sports, and I am still learning alot about photography and how to use the camera. I was wondering if anyone who has been shooting sports for awhile could critique my sports pictures on my web site and give me some feedback so I can learn what I am doing wrong, or right. Thanks for your time. is the website with my sports photos.
Scott. is the website with my sports photos.
The high school one isnt cropped, I was on the baseline with a 70 - 200 lens. The flight crew one is, I was in the stands for that, same lens. I ran noise reduction on the high school basketball pic, but the gym lighting is horrible, and I'm not sure where all my settings need to be as I shoot in manual. I have to have the apparature at 2.8 as I dont use flash, and the shutter speed was 1/500, and ISO was 1000. I shoot ISO any higher on the 7D, and i start getting alot of noise. I had the setting on my built in noise reduction set to normal on the camera, but I read somewhere on line to turn it off when shooting sports, is this true?
Invest in lightroom if you can, the noise reduction in Lightroom v3 is pretty good. But, more grain is better than blurred action.
Agreed. Built-in noise reduction can ruin a great shot; far better to shoot raw and deal with the noise later, and on a case-by-case basis. LR3 has a very good noise reduction algorithm, and it's easy to use.
Also, white balance can be pretty bad under indoor lights, especially if you have the dreaded 60Hz cycling. A jpeg conversion is much harder to to color correct than a raw file is.
Regarding ISO, you can certainly go higher on a 7D. And in any case, under-exposing and/or too slow shutter speeds are will frequently give you unusable shots. Bringing up the exposure in the post processing will reveal even more noise, and motion blur is impossible to correct. Just push the ISO to where you need to be, and deal with the noise in the post.
As far as composition, I always try to capture facial expressions and body language in my basketball shots. These two items bring out the emotion that is so intriguing in sports photography. Getting the ball in the shot is a bonus but not a requirement. Its the intense emotion of the sport in the player's face that I am after.
Hope this helps some. Regardless, keep have one heck of a start in photography!
Yeah, white balance (WB) does take some practice. And like many aspects of photography, people can get religious about the proper approach. There are many good tutorials out there (and in here) which will help. What I will say is that proper WB can make the difference between a snapshot and a really wonderful photograph. OK, maybe not WB by itself, but it goes a long way.
My approach is to just do it by eye, and not use a grey card or other such calibrations. I just pick a few things in the picture that have known colors, and take it from there. I have on occasion used a white or grey object in the shot to set the WB, though it never is perfect. Oddly enough, white soccer balls come mighty close!
Others have their own ways of dealing with WB. The important thing is to get the colors right on the main subject--especially skin tones if there are people in the shot--as this is what people notice first and foremost.