Your ATTENTION is mandatory!

I am going to edit this and bring it to the top. Seriously I think we have gotten even more new ppl who just do not want to read the rules in full! It is MANDATORY for all entrants to read the sticky at the top of this forum, but if your having a hard time finding it click this ----> and then click on Rules! :deadhorse
<old post>
Ok I thought I would start this in a new thread just to get your attention, however I will most likely merge this conversation in with the DSS discussion thread in a few days.
Last night Sean and I worked on going through entries, putting up the poll and setting up new challenges. I am very grateful to Sean for all the work he has put into streamlining the process as much as possible, for there is a lot to do just to run these challenges behind the scenes that make them run so smoothly for you all to enjoy.
One thing we noted was a large increase in new entrants to the challenge. This is an awesome thing and we are glad that the challenges are still growing in numbers. With new people comes a lot of DQ's though. Most likely from them not reading or not following the rules. Which is almost expected, but really shouldn't have to be that way.
However, what really suprised me was that there are quite a few ppl that have been doing the challenges for quite some time and have ignored certain rules. The rule in this instance is Rule #7:
UPE's: Unidentified Photo Entries. Photos uploaded to the gallery that do not have a valid dgrinner username in the caption will be deleted at the close of the challenge period. *Please use this standard format for captioning your entry: username - title
Now I have highlighted the last two words because it is very simple request. The reason this was written in as a rule and not a suggestion is that we need it to be this format in order to copy and paste it. It does not say to use a ~ or -- or : or ; or ... for a reason.
I myself have been doing DSS challenges since they started at #1 and I use to do the ~. But I stopped when it was asked the last time that people please follow this format and it was written in the rules as such.
So, those ppl that are ignoring this rule, Sean has been changing it for you so you do not get disqualified. However, I will not. There is so many things we have to look for in order to make this as fair as possible and that all rules are followed. It is really hard for us mods to have to disqualify an image, especially if the image is extremely good and its disqualified for something that seems so trivial. But if you look at it from this side... those few extra clicks we have to do to correct something that shouldn't even be an issue in the first place, can really add up when you have several ppl in a field of 60+ entries to go through.
Do you understand what I am saying? It really isn't a difficult or an unusual rule! Please follow it, I promise your individuality will not be compromised!
The other thing I would like to bring up is rule number #8:
Watermarks: Photos may not exhibit branding or watermarks. However, a small signature and copyright at the bottom of the image are encouraged.
This was discussed a few years ago but I will bring it up again because it is another one of those things that seems to confuse ppl. BRANDING is anything that has .com or the word PHOTO or business name in it. Before this rule I used to put JAGCreations on my images. It is very explicit wording in the rules; ...small signature and copyright at the bottom of the image...
SIGNATURE means YOUR name. Not your business name, not your nick name, not your galleries name. If you need an example, click HERE.
We are going on our 4th year of DSS challenges. The rules are really minimum so not to suck the creativity out of you all! So these two rules that are usually the hardest to dq someone for are now going to be on the DQ list for sure. Yes they seem to not be a problem to the photo, however they were put in place for reasons way back when and the reason the branding/watermark one was put on was because they were getting too big and fancy and distracting from the image itself.
I have entered many competitions outside of DSS on other sites, and they do not even allow any signature or branding/watermark at all! So this is not a difficult rule to comply with if you choose to mark your image some way. I am glad that it was put in the rules!
So consider this thread a friendly warning to all those who simply have ignored or not seen these two rules. I will be DQ'ing without any other warnings. :deal
For all newbies to the challenges...PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE RULES! And all you repeaters might reread for a refresher! :thumb
PS...I would like to thank Sean for all his work he has done these past couple years on the Challenges. And thanks for taking the few hours last night to talk me through the process! Your awesomeness is showing through!:clap
I am going to edit this and bring it to the top. Seriously I think we have gotten even more new ppl who just do not want to read the rules in full! It is MANDATORY for all entrants to read the sticky at the top of this forum, but if your having a hard time finding it click this ----> and then click on Rules! :deadhorse
<old post>
Ok I thought I would start this in a new thread just to get your attention, however I will most likely merge this conversation in with the DSS discussion thread in a few days.
Last night Sean and I worked on going through entries, putting up the poll and setting up new challenges. I am very grateful to Sean for all the work he has put into streamlining the process as much as possible, for there is a lot to do just to run these challenges behind the scenes that make them run so smoothly for you all to enjoy.
One thing we noted was a large increase in new entrants to the challenge. This is an awesome thing and we are glad that the challenges are still growing in numbers. With new people comes a lot of DQ's though. Most likely from them not reading or not following the rules. Which is almost expected, but really shouldn't have to be that way.
However, what really suprised me was that there are quite a few ppl that have been doing the challenges for quite some time and have ignored certain rules. The rule in this instance is Rule #7:
UPE's: Unidentified Photo Entries. Photos uploaded to the gallery that do not have a valid dgrinner username in the caption will be deleted at the close of the challenge period. *Please use this standard format for captioning your entry: username - title
Now I have highlighted the last two words because it is very simple request. The reason this was written in as a rule and not a suggestion is that we need it to be this format in order to copy and paste it. It does not say to use a ~ or -- or : or ; or ... for a reason.
I myself have been doing DSS challenges since they started at #1 and I use to do the ~. But I stopped when it was asked the last time that people please follow this format and it was written in the rules as such.
So, those ppl that are ignoring this rule, Sean has been changing it for you so you do not get disqualified. However, I will not. There is so many things we have to look for in order to make this as fair as possible and that all rules are followed. It is really hard for us mods to have to disqualify an image, especially if the image is extremely good and its disqualified for something that seems so trivial. But if you look at it from this side... those few extra clicks we have to do to correct something that shouldn't even be an issue in the first place, can really add up when you have several ppl in a field of 60+ entries to go through.
Do you understand what I am saying? It really isn't a difficult or an unusual rule! Please follow it, I promise your individuality will not be compromised!
The other thing I would like to bring up is rule number #8:
Watermarks: Photos may not exhibit branding or watermarks. However, a small signature and copyright at the bottom of the image are encouraged.
This was discussed a few years ago but I will bring it up again because it is another one of those things that seems to confuse ppl. BRANDING is anything that has .com or the word PHOTO or business name in it. Before this rule I used to put JAGCreations on my images. It is very explicit wording in the rules; ...small signature and copyright at the bottom of the image...
SIGNATURE means YOUR name. Not your business name, not your nick name, not your galleries name. If you need an example, click HERE.
We are going on our 4th year of DSS challenges. The rules are really minimum so not to suck the creativity out of you all! So these two rules that are usually the hardest to dq someone for are now going to be on the DQ list for sure. Yes they seem to not be a problem to the photo, however they were put in place for reasons way back when and the reason the branding/watermark one was put on was because they were getting too big and fancy and distracting from the image itself.
I have entered many competitions outside of DSS on other sites, and they do not even allow any signature or branding/watermark at all! So this is not a difficult rule to comply with if you choose to mark your image some way. I am glad that it was put in the rules!
So consider this thread a friendly warning to all those who simply have ignored or not seen these two rules. I will be DQ'ing without any other warnings. :deal
For all newbies to the challenges...PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE RULES! And all you repeaters might reread for a refresher! :thumb
PS...I would like to thank Sean for all his work he has done these past couple years on the Challenges. And thanks for taking the few hours last night to talk me through the process! Your awesomeness is showing through!:clap
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