Problem creating album from template
I am using the 1.3.0 API and creating an album based on a template does not appear to be picking up the settings from the template. This code has been working in the past but I something may have changed on the server side...
The following debug snippet shows the request sent and the response returned. The gallery is created with the correct name abd category etc but is not unlisted as expected from the template. Using the web interface seems to work fine.
Am I doing something wrong with the request or is there a bug?
Richard Laing
The following debug snippet shows the request sent and the response returned. The gallery is created with the correct name abd category etc but is not unlisted as expected from the template. Using the web interface seems to work fine.
2012/01/25 20:22:17 DEBUG -[RLSmugMugRequestMethodHelper makeSynchronousRequest:withArguments:error:] <> - Make request <OAMutableURLRequest> { Authorization = "OAuth realm=\"\", oauth_consumer_key=\"blahblahblah\", oauth_token=\"blahblahblah\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_signature=\"%2Fv71j3lD%2FQAihusg6d2rnLU5QcY%3D\", oauth_timestamp=\"1327476137\", oauth_nonce=\"52EBA0DC-FF9F-4519-9FA8-2543D6E7489F\", oauth_version=\"1.0\""; "User-Agent" = "SmuginPro/1.5"; } 2012/01/25 20:22:17 DEBUG -[RLSmugMugRequestMethodHelper makeSynchronousRequest:withArguments:error:] <> - Text: {"stat":"ok","method":"smugmug.albums.create","Album":{"id":21181914,"Key":"MJqrVJ"}} 2012/01/25 20:22:17 DEBUG -[RLSmugMugRequestMethodHelper makeSynchronousRequest:withArguments:error:] <> - JSON: { Album = { Key = MJqrVJ; id = 21181914; }; method = "smugmug.albums.create"; stat = ok; }
Am I doing something wrong with the request or is there a bug?
Richard Laing
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Thanks for the update.