Some fog and nature's colors

Ginger asked for some fog shots. Not too much fog today. It was overcast most of the day then cleared up and the sun came out. I headed out around 4 and this is what I saw:
Fog coming off the ocean and over the hills

Fog over the Montara Mountains

And fog and a cloud bar (fog???) obscure the sun

After sundown at a different beach

And one last ride...

Why I moved to California....
Fog coming off the ocean and over the hills

Fog over the Montara Mountains

And fog and a cloud bar (fog???) obscure the sun

After sundown at a different beach

And one last ride...

Why I moved to California....

some of my fog and storm pics:
in California - the seqoias in fog:
a fog( actually 'cause of a wildfire) in Denali, Alaska
a storm coming up - In Seward, Alaska
take care ( btw, can dgrin be addicting... ??!)
Photo-a-day 2013
I've been to your smugmug page, you've been to some very interesting places indeed!
All my major traveling was pre-digital :cry
yeah, my ext links were off. now on. hope it works.
Photo-a-day 2013
Lovely examples of fog.
It's RARE when we get what I call photographic fog right by us... it just sweeps in and it's ugly fog!
Our fog is mixed with the salt spray off the ocean so it makes it denser and much more difficult to photograph. When it's coming in I can get some shots of it but once it's socked in my camera can't even figure out what to focus on because of all the salt in the air too.
Further in on the peninsula we get to see pretty fog, but I'm always on my way to somewhere or on a highway where we can't stop...