Ch: 50, Some shots....

Well, this is a tough challenge. Hard to beat some of the already excellent pictures posted. Will continue to search for something more original but I thought I'd share what I've gotten so far....
"Tree Colors"

Obligatory flower shots....

And obligatory fall leaves...

Thanks for looking,
"Tree Colors"

Obligatory flower shots....

And obligatory fall leaves...

Thanks for looking,
Stunning colour in that treetrunk - do you know what kind of tree it is. Makes an impression. We are in a sea of green here, no real "colour" colour. (color? yes, that too, absent).
I'm partial to the red bottlebrush pic...screamin' color, good comp, something different~
I believe the red barked "tree" is actually a Manzanita bush, which is also interesting...
Good luck either way you go! They're all terrific photos (for artistry, the white flower one is really cool)~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
my stuff is here.....
I liked the flower shot but with so many already in the contest I thought I should try for something different. Anyway, looks like we got some great ones in the finalist group.