Cute child with a great exprssion and set up. Can you see how your loosing his head to the background? Your exposure is off a tad and too much light bouncing off the bkg and coming back at him. Light coming forward is stronger than light going toward the subject. Were you shooting raw? You might be able to pull this back some if you did. Hope that helps.
I think the whole shot is a tiny bit over exposed -- maybe dropping the exposure just a bit in PS will bring back the top of his head. I think tPietsch has a good idea with blue backdrop. Could easily be thrown in after the fact with PS.
The Rebel Tribe
Cameras: Nikon D7000, Nikon D40x, Fuji instax
Lenses: Nikon 50mm 1.4g, Nikon 35mm 1.8, Tokina 11-16 2.8
Other Gear: ab1600, 47" Octabox