Mini 136--"the best camera

is the one that's with you".
You've heard the saying before no?
We've all been there, we run out of the house without our hefty cameras only to find "THE shot of a lifetime" waiting to be shot and there goes our chance at a cover on "National Geographic", so you do what you can, you shoot with the camera that's with you.
So let's have it--post your best photos of shots taken WITHOUT A DSLR.
Some examples

Polaroid 195 land camera
4. Film 35mm--bonus points if self-developed, as is this one (which explains the oddity:)

If it's a film camera, polaroid, holga, fuji instanx, 35mm etc. just tell us what it was shot on please.
I just want to see what we are all capable of when put on the spot and without the reliance of our fancy shmanzy dslrs.
You have two weeks--Challenge will close on February 11th, that's a Saturday @7:00 p.m. EST.
Can't wait to see what you post!
More on Mini-Challenges rules and explanations here:
You've heard the saying before no?
We've all been there, we run out of the house without our hefty cameras only to find "THE shot of a lifetime" waiting to be shot and there goes our chance at a cover on "National Geographic", so you do what you can, you shoot with the camera that's with you.
So let's have it--post your best photos of shots taken WITHOUT A DSLR.
Some examples


Polaroid 195 land camera

4. Film 35mm--bonus points if self-developed, as is this one (which explains the oddity:)

If it's a film camera, polaroid, holga, fuji instanx, 35mm etc. just tell us what it was shot on please.
I just want to see what we are all capable of when put on the spot and without the reliance of our fancy shmanzy dslrs.
You have two weeks--Challenge will close on February 11th, that's a Saturday @7:00 p.m. EST.
Can't wait to see what you post!
More on Mini-Challenges rules and explanations here:
Liz A.
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
Pacific Ocean Sunset at Jenner California
"Don't Leave Home without One"...
First Tattoo Anticipation, 2003 (3 Megapixel Point and Shoot)
Northern Europe, 1981
35mm Agfachrome, Digitized w/DSLR (1:1 macro on light table; B&W conversion in Photoshop, 2010)
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
Lauren Blackwell
Sony P&S
Sony P&S
2 Alien with a Sony 717
3 Bill with some kind of Sony.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
A great mini-challenge theme, Joyce!
Looking just at what's been posted so far and looking through old point and shoot/film shots from my archives is making me wonder what I'm doing with so much $$$ tied up in higher-end equipment.
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
Icy Day
Oil Slick
In the parking lot
all of these were taken with my Iphone just in my hometown to and fro from work.
2 Bottles
3 Twisted
Leica M4P - can't remember what film I used. Starbucks on my way to work
G9 P&S Buffalo May 2008
Very old Canon P&S - Amsterdam 2006
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Brilliant idea! I've often been out walking with my dog and stumbled across a scene that I wanted to capture; or have seen an image that needed to be taken - now. And there I'd be with no camera in hand or it was too much of a pain to dig out the big DSLR, flash, etc. for that one picture. So, last year I bought a small Canon Powershot S95. Now it stays out where it can be grabbed quickly or tucked into my jacket pocket for those early morning pooch walks.
When we were at the Acadia shootout a couple of years ago, Mark Meunch used one and said he was very happy - so that was good enough for me.
I have since added an iPhone to my camera collection, but still prefer the detail provided by the S95. So, here goes:
#1 Snowgirl - Hoover's early morning walk
#2 Snowgirl - Last year's birthday cupcake
And finally,
#3 Snowgirl - A macro
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Lauren Blackwell
minolta 3.3
I hope I did this right.
Bunch Beach Fort Myers Florida
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
These are for sharing only please. Thanks.
Yes these were all shot and edited 100% on my iPhone 4
Shot on Kodak Ektar 100 35mm.
2. Park Bench with Abandoned Jeans.
Shot on Kodak Tri-X 400
3. The Freddy-Sue* Bridge, in Winter
Samsung TL500 P&S, edited with Topaz Adjust.
*Several years ago the aging Troup-Howell Bridge that spans the Genesee River was replaced and the new bridge named after two of Rochester's famous natives, thus the Frederick B. Douglass - Susan B. Anthony Bridge. Radio wits quickly shortened that to the Freddy-Sue.
2. Casio p&s
3. Canon Powershot D10
my facebook page:
What a flight!
Taken on my old Blackberry
Quiet Day at the Lake (Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri)
Taken on my LG G2x Android phone
It's exactly as I had hoped.
Keep them coming--11 more days.
Thanks Sandi for the email re: the time.
Just a clarification--the mini challenge ends on 02/11/12 @ 7:00 p.m.
Thank you to all who have entered and I'm waiting for more entries.
1. From my old cell phone
Several years ago I drove through Sequoia on the way home from a weekend at my grandma's house... I had my "main" camera with me but UGGG!!! I had left the memory card in my computer at home!!! I shot pics with my even older cell phone until it almost died. I left just enough juice to be able to turn it on in an emergency should something happen on my long drive home.... here are a couple from that trip...
I'll end up forgiving you, Liz, but you have caused me no end of
frustration. I dug out my first digital camera, a Sony DSC-S85 - and
took it for a few runs. I remember, now, why I never liked that
camera .
I haven't had so many misses in years. The camera is s_l_o_w.
Moving subjects are so far out of the frame by the time the photo
is taken they're in a different ZIP code. Sometimes I don't know
if the photo was taken because the camera emits only a soft
beep unhearable unless in a padded room.. I stand there continuing
to press on the shutter button. It take longer to warm up when
turned on than my grandparent's Atwater-Kent radio.
The camera has a nice Zeiss lens and takes good macro shots,
but I lost interest in taking photos of flowers and snails and
crawling and creeping things a long time ago.
I'll submit something, but I can't wait to embrace my fancy-schmancy
Nikon dslr again.
GF2 w/20mm 1.7. I just went and shot some new stuff, if that's OK
Liz will however attest to the fact that they are different from my usual
My Galleries
I love this one. Fresh!
Is it wrong that I laughed when I read this?
I'm looking forwad to seeing what you come up with
1. Florida (Wizarding World)
2. Sunrise in Norris Campground (Yellowstone)
3. Stables, early morning
Great theme idea
i'm traveling and don't have the archive, but I have some that I uploaded to my SmugMug gallery:
1. Hammock manufacture and shop on the road to Acapulco
2. Kitchen of a restaurant on the West Coast of Mexico
3. Saddle ...... Facebook