Frosty Affairs

...Well I do believe that winter is finally knocking on our door. I took these yesterday while out purusing for wildlife. These were taken just before sunrise...-7 celcius, as the fog was just lifting off of this frozen lake (ice 1 inch thick already) I didnt use a flash, as I wanted to capture the mood ( the cold, fog, horror frost, glimmering light,etc)
Any comments or suggestions are always welcome.
Cheers, Tony

Any comments or suggestions are always welcome.
Cheers, Tony

If a tree falls in the forest...did anyone get a picture of it?
I was a bit taken a back when I saw the frost on my trees yesterday. I have several shots to look through from yesterday - gotta admit though that 7 a.m. was earlier than I was up!
Lovely moody landscape shots.
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Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
I actually took these just north of Whitecourt yesterday. I couldnt believe the fog on the drive up there (at 530am...) Oh well, it was nice to get away from the city for the day.Thanks for your kind words.We all have to get together for a shoot soon aswell...sorry for my lack of reply on your one post awhile ago...was, and still am very busy with construction...
Cheers, Tony
Thanks for your reply. I use to shoot a ton of B&W years ago when you had to put those roll things in the cameras....kind of miss that sometimes.Oh well, here was your request.
Cheers, Tony