Pinterest will work with SmugMug on one condition....

If you have "right-click" image protection enabled on your gallery, and try to "pin" a photo to your Pinterest account ---- you will not be able to.
The good news is that if you do pin an image, your SmugMug watermark will be retained in Pinterest.
Here's an example -
Considering the growth of Pinterest in the realm of images and social bookmarking....what plans does SmugMug have for integration?
The good news is that if you do pin an image, your SmugMug watermark will be retained in Pinterest.
Here's an example -
Considering the growth of Pinterest in the realm of images and social bookmarking....what plans does SmugMug have for integration?
Ryan Oakley - [My smugmug site] [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site] [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
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I too am interested in being able to have a Pinterest follow button. Hoping this becomes available soon.
I too am interested in being able to pin things from my site to Pinterest, just like my FB & Twitter buttons!!!
If you scroll down on that page, pinterest also give you embed code that you can put on your site to allow visitors to click.
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The 'secret' is that you cannot have your pictures right-click protected. If you turn that off, it will work.
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Exactly want I was looking for, THANKS ANDY!! Member
But I wonder why you'd want to use this. Check out what Trey Ratcliff has to say, Pinterest is his #1 referring site back to his stuckincustoms SmugMug gallery.
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maybe because photographers are still weary about what it means to have their images "pinned"
article: what-every-photographer-should-know-about-pinterest
I am really torn on my feelings for pinterest at the moment
Weary or leery? Or both?
Tiny images. Links back to your site. Watermark your images and Enjoy the traffic is what I say. But that's me
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Any thoughts? Thanks!
Up Close With Mother Nature: The Photography of Susan Wiedmann
Disabling the right-click, will that still keep your watermark on an image if anyone does a right-click to save or post the image elsewhere?
Originals can't be watermarked and if you don't wish the unwatermarked original to be available for viewing, you should set 'largest size' in the gallery settings of the gallery to anything else than 'original'.
Additional image protection information are available here.
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The simplest way I have found to make this work for you (the photographer) is if you disable the right click protection and then pin whatever images from that gallery you want, then when you are done enable the right click protection again. Pinterest will retain the image and link back to your sight. A bit cumbersome but it allows you to add some of your photos to be shared in the pinterst community. The main drawback is that others still cannot pin your photos from your site. Only the ones that are already pinned in Pinterest will work from within Pinterest.
Nobody gets in to see the wizard. Not nobody, not no how.
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