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Hi everyone, I finally got out with my camera, and *nobody* else to bother me for a little while today :lol3
Click here to map this photograph.
Click on photograph for exif.

and, here's that little cormorant from the other side, through the turning leaves.

Enjoy (nature's colors) photography,
Click here to map this photograph.
Click on photograph for exif.

and, here's that little cormorant from the other side, through the turning leaves.

Enjoy (nature's colors) photography,
Yummy autumn tree beautiful reflection shot!
I got out by myself this morning too! Beautiful WARM autumn day here in California... nap time now, will go out later for the sunset. No clouds in the sky though... but wait, it's California, that could all change in a couple of hours.
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Do I see the cormaor.....bird in the first shot, too?
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Jerry Garcia answers...
(warning, photo may offend
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Sheesh. Ask a simple question....
get a simple answer!
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Happy to help. If you need any translation, you can ask Waxy
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[/FONT][FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]My world of photography[/FONT]
seriously though, I'm thinking he maybe meant 1/10th stop ND?
EXIF says f/13 for 1.3sec @ iso 200 equiv, which is only slightly higher than I'd expect for a shot at quarter of 4 in the afternoon.... not 10 stops higher.
But then it's 2 in the morning here, so maybe I'm reading too much into that.
By slowing down the shutter, any breeze will make the water look smooth, and
the leaves on the trees look more like a painting. (with their movement)
If the trees had dropped quite a few leaves already, this would help fill in the
empty spots.
Do I win a cookie?:D
BTW, nice shots.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Hi Everyone,
Dave is partially correct - my reason for using the 10-stop nd filter, is to force a long exposure indeed. You see, it was *really* bright out there! I may try someting different today if I can - shooting one long exosure for the water, and a second shorter exposure (no filter) for the leaves. I think I'll also try f/16 or f/22, but I worry about diffraction - so I'll probably try several exposures. My intention was not to get blurry leaves (you can see in the 100% crop here that there's slight evidence of movement in the tree leaves) but to smooth out the water, and get the painterly effect you see here. I really dig it.
here's a 100% crop
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Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Yes! And, my eternal thanks
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On second though, that may be one of the signs of the Apocalypse,
I better just keep quiet.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
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