D7000 availability...
I know Nikon have had issue with manufacturing... but it does seem surprising how few places have any D7000s. Amazon aren't selling direct - only fronting for other sellers, B&H is out of stock, Dixon (a big UK electronics retailer) told me they've stopped selling them - as opposed to being out of stock!
Are there rumours of a D7100?? I'm not looking for an upgraded D7000, it seems to tick all the right boxes. I'm just surprised at the lack of availability...
Are there rumours of a D7100?? I'm not looking for an upgraded D7000, it seems to tick all the right boxes. I'm just surprised at the lack of availability...
It incredible how long it's taken to get back to full production - can't imagine what it's like for those living there...
I believe the D700/300/90's ENel3 batteries were deemed hazardous due to their exposed leads(?).
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
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