SmugMug publishing removed from Lightroom 4?

According to this post from Adobe, it seems as though the built-in support for SmugMug publishing is being dropped from Lightroom 4:
I certainly hope I'm misreading this, and that I won't be losing this functionality. Can anybody comment on what this really means?We’ve removed the SmugMug plug-in by default so that SmugMug can innovate and update the plug-in outside of Lightroom’s regular release cycle. It will not be included in Lightroom 4, but plug-in data will be migrated as part of the catalog upgrade process.
This will allow us to offer updates for the plugin outside of LR's dot releases. Do note that we don't specifically support LR4 at the moment, since it's still a beta.
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Even though we aren't officially supporting LR4 atm, the plugin should work fine...but I'm interested to know if you run into any issues.
I've been testing it on and off for several months and the current plugin release seems to be working well.
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I'm a little OCD though, lol. Should I sync a JPEG with a TIFF or RAW? I guess it wouldn't hurt? Match to me means JPEG with a JPEG.
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LoRac, good luck getting an answer to this one. I got a new workstation system at christmas and had to do a fresh install of everything. I upgraded LR to version 4.0. My smugmug plugin no longer worked and i have spent the last few months with support to NO avail. I had multiple image conflicts when they told me to sync due to the fact that my LR images were final version TIFFS -and the uploaded SM version was a JPG. i have asked multiple times what do i do in this situation but like you they give me vaque answers. For some reason they dont want to say yes or no to the question " is a tiff file and a jpg file of the same image a match?"
I am giving up on getting my plugin thru LR WORKING Again.
I am looking elsewhere due to the poor response.
Just my experience
I left SM. Wanted a prof site w/out having to actually worry about codes etc. I won a contest and now have a site on WP. Thanks for the response though!
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I was the one who was working with you on that issue - you didn't respond to my last reply to you on December 31st. I'll post that response here because it's generally useful information:
The export from LR3 / import to LR4 has essentially given you an upgrade because you are now running LR4. It also discarded a lot of information, so it's not the same as just upgrading a catalog. LR4 is not part of this issue - a similar export from LR3 and import to LR3 would face exactly the same issue.
When you publish, Lightroom generates temporary JPEG copies of the source image (whatever format) for upload. It doesn't keep these.
As I previously explained only the SmugMug display copies have the watermark (unless you chose to embed a Lightroom watermark when you published). We generate the different sizes of display copy when you upload your images - it is these which show the watermark. Your "original" on SmugMug is the JPEG generated by Lightroom - it shouldn't be watermarked (if it is then that's what you uploaded based on the publish service configuration or the original image).
You should be matching the master file in Lightroom to the matching image on SmugMug - the master file could be a TIFF or raw file (or even a JPEG if that was what you shot).
Because your online JPEGs have been stripped of the helpful meta data (that's an option in the publish service configuration) the plugin doesn't have sufficient information to make an automatic match and you have to make the choice.
I've just noticed that you only have 745 images online, so while the process of working through the conflict resolution stage will be tedious, it isn't insurmountable. Unless you have two images with the same filename (ignoring the type), you should just be confirming the match rather than choosing between multiple images.
When you run the sync, the "sync hierarchy" is the part that creates the gallery structure in Lightroom. The "sync photos" is the part that tries to match the images. If you choose to cancel you can run it again later and it will just start again at the point where you cancelled (so you can break the task into manageable chunks).
It is also possible to sync photos within each gallery in LR - right-click on the gallery and select "edit gallery" - (I have the advanced option enabled in this screenshot).
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This leaves one open question, that I too never got a good answer for when I was working with the helpdesk. (apologies in advance for not having LR available as I write this, so I might get the screens a bit wrong).
The LR plugin configuration has a dropdown to select (something along the lines of) "upload as" and you get a choice of jpeg, tiff, or psd. It is known that smugmug does not support PSD and TIFF. What does this option do if you dont have JPEG selected, and why are the other options there?
From my past experiences, you actually can upload those file types, including original RAW files, if you have SmugVault. I am on my phone, so can't look at the plug in itself, but if you don't have SmugVault, I believe it will automatically upload the JPEG version if you have TIFF or PSD selected.
Michael Bonocore
Photo Blog
If a user has selected something other than 'ORIGINAL' or 'JPEG' and they don't have a SmugVault, the LR plugin will automatically switch over to uploading a JPEG during the publish process.
SmugMug API Developer
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But use *JPEG*, because if you use *original* the uploaded JPEGs don't include any LR adjustments (which isn't what most people want when they publish galleries).
Smugmug Support Hero
Spence Photography - fine art portraiture in central Scotland
Pavilion Photographic Studio - tuition - workshops - studio hire - model days in central Scotland
Yes, Barrie is right. Sorry I was on my iPhone, so wasn't very detailed in my response. You *Can* upload Tiff or Raw files if you have SmugVault. I do this after I shoot a wedding, just to have a safe cloud backup of all of the Raw files. But yes, when I want photos with the Lightroom edits to be published, I select JPG as the export file type in the SmugMug Plugin settings.
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That's correct, unless you are shooting in JPEG mode and want to archive the original unedited versions.
SmugMug API Developer
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You can also have multiple publish services connected to the same account. One can be configured for publishing JPGs, the other configured to upload RAW, DNG, TIFFs, PSDs,etc to SmugVault.
SmugMug API Developer
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Great info...Thanks Dave!
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