
wrestling photos C & C

nitewagnitewag Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
edited January 31, 2012 in Sports
Took photos at a tournament this weekend and on the advice of another photographer turned the iso down to reduce noise but with reduced shutter speed resulting in movement blur. what are your opinions



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    JSPhotographyJSPhotography Registered Users Posts: 552 Major grins
    edited January 30, 2012
    You went to far down on the ISO. You were only at 800, that 7D can go higher than that and be acceptable. Shutter speeds of 1/60 - 1/80 are not going to cut it. You are going to have trouble hand holding let alone stopping action at those speeds. Stay above 1/200. I generally can get 1/300 or better at around F2.8 and ISO 1500 for wrestling. I shoot a 7D with a Sigma 70 - 200 2.8.
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    johngjohng Registered Users Posts: 1,658 Major grins
    edited January 30, 2012
    Too much motion blur. If you hate noise to the extent that ISO 2000 with good (not in-camera) noise reduction is not useable to you, then use external flash or strobes.
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    Moving PicturesMoving Pictures Registered Users Posts: 384 Major grins
    edited January 30, 2012
    I'd park the rig at ISO 2,000 to be honest. I have a wrestling tourney in a couple of weeks ... dark barn ... should still be able to obtain 1/200 sec - or better - without any major issues.

    I guess it's a preference thing. I will gladly take grain to obtain stop motion. Motion blur drives me bananas.
    Newspaper photogs specialize in drive-by shootings.
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    nitewagnitewag Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited January 30, 2012
    Thanks for the input. I'm in agreement with all of you, but I just decided to try it out one time. Next time I'm going with what I know and if someone says something they can get their own equipment and stand beside me and take pics.
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    johngjohng Registered Users Posts: 1,658 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2012
    Nothing wrong with trying different approaches. You never know what you're going to prefer unless you try.
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    ZerodogZerodog Registered Users Posts: 1,480 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2012
    You chose wrong...........To much blur. For this type of action 1/400 is a min. You can go lower but your hit rate will be lower too. What is worse? Noise or blurry pics. You can manage noise, even fix noise. You can't fix blur. Depending on your body you can get away with different ISOs My max I like to go is 3200 with my 300s. The D3s I regularly use 12,800. My new D700, not sure yet what I will like out of it. These are the numbers I find are manageable and can make a really nice large print. I just did a 16x20 out of the 300s @ 3200 that was even cropped a lot. It took some work in the noise dept but in the end it was a killer print.

    Aside from that you did a lot right here. Color is not bad, action is good. And you are nice and tight.
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    jmphotocraftjmphotocraft Registered Users Posts: 2,987 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2012
    nitewag wrote: »
    Took photos at a tournament this weekend and on the advice of another photographer turned the iso down to reduce noise but with reduced shutter speed resulting in movement blur. what are your opinions

    Either you were standing next to a moron, or you got played by someone selling images from the same event.

    As others have said, minimum shutter of 1/400, and whatever ISO it takes to get there. Here's my 7D at ISO 3200:


    An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
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