Man is upset about how his photo was used?

An overweight man in Los Angeles says he was "beyond shocked" to discover an altered photo of him on New York City billboards with his leg removed.
27-year-old Cleo Berry tells the New York Times that while living in NYC several years ago, he participated in a $500 photo shoot with photographer Morten Smidt. Unbeknownst to Berry, those photos were then sold to ImageSource, a stock photo company.
The stock photo was then sold to New York City's Department of Health, who digitally altered the photo to remove Berry's right leg and is using the photo as part of an anti-diabetes campaign.
27-year-old Cleo Berry tells the New York Times that while living in NYC several years ago, he participated in a $500 photo shoot with photographer Morten Smidt. Unbeknownst to Berry, those photos were then sold to ImageSource, a stock photo company.
The stock photo was then sold to New York City's Department of Health, who digitally altered the photo to remove Berry's right leg and is using the photo as part of an anti-diabetes campaign.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
What the IceBear says X3
Of course the media exposure won't exactly hurt him and he probably thinks if he makes a big enough fuss someone might give him some more money to shut up.
When you see he says he cried at his computer screen for a minute when he saw the shot. you know he's a bloody pansy anyway.
He took the money which no doubt he was glad to get, he signed the release, Take a teaspoon of concrete and harden the hell up!
You said it better than I did.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Then he shoulda done some thinking before he signed his photo release, eh?
Forum for Canadian shooters:
Umm... except he would not have become well known for a photo like this had he not said anything, so it should not have impacted his career. And if he's an actor, he would be going to auditions, where they would see his true appearance. It may have had an emotional impact. He may feel that his photo should not be altered drastically without his knowledge. But it would be silly to think it would hurt his career.
And luckily, they gave him a disability that is easily enough disproven. What if the health campaign had been for AIDS? When signing a release, you're taking some risks, but does that mean there should be billboards all over New York announcing you're HIV positive? That would be a horrible thing to do to someone. (Now that I think about it, I wonder if this has actually happened to anyone :X)
So yeah, I think the city messed up by grabbing someone with a generic model release. If you're going to make someone the face of a public health campaign, they deserve to know what they're getting into.
One last thing I wanted to add is this kind of activity is really bad for photographers, too. Most stock photography is used for relatively inconsequential stuff. It only makes it harder and more expensive to get model releases if people think they're going to get amputated on a NY billboard.
Seriously though, I doubt anybody could recognize him from this photo unless they were told it was him.
Link to my Smugmug site
It's hardly offensive.
As stated and restated across the internet about this attention seeking whiner, he signed a release that allows this sort of thing - incorporating or modifying the image in a digital illustration. So, wahhhh.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
This has been stated several times, so I'll rephrase: What is legal isn't necessarily what is right.
He. Took. The. Money.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
What is not "right" about it?
They probably should have sign an additional agreement other than a standard release.
Just my $0.02
The image doesn't have the guys name on it from what I can see either.
To me this is nothing more than a publicity stunt. The more famous/ well known an actor/ model is (for whatever reason) the more they can command for assignments.
Here we have a guy trying to improve his worth without actually having any improvement in his talent.
I'll say this, as a shooter that hires talent on behalf of clients, there is no way I'd hire this guy because I'd consider him a pathetic whinger and a trouble maker.
As for saying the image is altered in an offensive or un natural way, the only thing I see offensive about it is how offensive that type of statement is to people whom are really missing limbs.
Funny, I have a minor amputation and diabetes and I can't see why this whinger has anything to gripe about.
Maybe this pansy should spend a week in their shoe and then see who's got something to bleat about. :boid