free image for a link
I took photos of a very expensive home. A subcontractor of the builder wants to use one of the pics on their site, for free, of course. Their contention was that they would provide a link to my site in the photo caption, increasing my SEO. I agreed to let them use a low-res, watermarked pic (a transparent logo at bottom right), and then they wanted to alter it, cropping out the watermark. At that point I declined. If they had offered to license the photograph for use on their site, that would be a different story, but that wasn't the case. Can someone please tell me how linking to my site on their page would increase my SEO? Am I missing something here? If it truly would have value then I might be willing to reconsider.
If they still want to use it, charge them a licence fee.
Images in the Backcountry
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Yeah, soon you'll be raking in lots of links for free pictures.
That's what my watermark is for. That's the only reason I even considered a free low-res pic. No one reads the captions below the image. They look at the pic and click to the next one. My watermark is much more visible. If they were genuinely interested in seeing more of my work, it's easy enough to Google the watermark and they're there. If they don't want to take the 5 seconds to do that, then they weren't really interested anyway.
Also true. The contractor making the request could also be a potential customer and allowing them to hack up a free pic isn't really setting much of a precedent for future negotiations.
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