This week's headshots (C&C)
It never fails - I try to schedule headshots for when I'm NOT singing, but every time sombody books... a gig comes in! Not complaining, but a little overwhelmed - the shoots and even the editing aren't that bad, but because I use my home, it means a ton of cleanup and furniture moving to make my livingroom client-ready....(I'll be posting in the pullbacks thread later - I finally remembered to take some :thumb) Anyway, I had two back-to-back this last week, and now (allegedly!) go back to being a fulltime singer until the middle of March. Busy spring all round, it seems.
In any case, this lovely lady is a singer, conducts a prominent children's choir, and has also in recent years added a concurrent career as a lifecoach. She needed shots to cover all her various activities, so we did a lot of different looks and styles. We SCORED with the weather - beautiful bright and warm day (60* in January?!), and the timing of the shoot meant that we got some sweet, sweet light outside right at the end.
C&C always welcomed!
We started with her most-casual look (and for the record, she did her own makeup and hair in all of these - she is GOOD!!) Some have had retouching, others not; I've indicated as needed.
1 Modest retouching; light=windows+relfectors+fill flash. I got lucky with a lighting "accident" here, which I will now be using forevermore: just off camera left I had one flash set up on the floor bouncing off foamcore to light the other background (out of shot). I'd totally forgotten it was still on (as was my trigger) - it added to the big windows she's facing and boosted the ambient in just the way I like. SCORE!
Is her skin too hot in this? I can tone it down, but the bright looked good on my (calibrated, but not great) monitor.

2. Turned out she had done some modelling years ago, so I pretty much just pushed buttons while she moved around. Lighting as above.

3. She needs some "soft corporate" shots for her consulting work, so we did a set of those. I really love this picture but, somehow, her glasses wound up upside down in her hand! I like the expression so much that I think it trumps the glasses, but.... thoughts? Lighting: backlit from windows with sheer curtains; reflectors right+underneath; fill from flash in hotshoe bounced off walls (this one just would not work with OCF in modifiers - just couldn't get it soft enough, and the walls provided a larger source).

4. She'd brought some evening clothes and we couldn't resist "doing diva" for a few. The whole black/backlit thing is SUCH an outdated headshot style (we joked about it the 80's star look), but we had SO MUCH FUN trying to get a couple of hairtosses! Harder than it looks :rofl There's a small LED lightpanel set up behind her on my Trekpod providing the hairlight. (This has had pretty extensive retouching, including running it it through Portrait Pro. The "high glamour" of the dress and lighting seemed to warrant a heavier hand with the retouching). Lighting: Photek softlighter + reflectors under/left + LED panel behind.

5 We went outside after that. YUMMY LIGHT!! Love her expression here, even if my umbrella flash didn't go off :rolleyes and I had to cheat a little in post on this one :wink
In any case, this lovely lady is a singer, conducts a prominent children's choir, and has also in recent years added a concurrent career as a lifecoach. She needed shots to cover all her various activities, so we did a lot of different looks and styles. We SCORED with the weather - beautiful bright and warm day (60* in January?!), and the timing of the shoot meant that we got some sweet, sweet light outside right at the end.
C&C always welcomed!
We started with her most-casual look (and for the record, she did her own makeup and hair in all of these - she is GOOD!!) Some have had retouching, others not; I've indicated as needed.
1 Modest retouching; light=windows+relfectors+fill flash. I got lucky with a lighting "accident" here, which I will now be using forevermore: just off camera left I had one flash set up on the floor bouncing off foamcore to light the other background (out of shot). I'd totally forgotten it was still on (as was my trigger) - it added to the big windows she's facing and boosted the ambient in just the way I like. SCORE!
Is her skin too hot in this? I can tone it down, but the bright looked good on my (calibrated, but not great) monitor.

2. Turned out she had done some modelling years ago, so I pretty much just pushed buttons while she moved around. Lighting as above.

3. She needs some "soft corporate" shots for her consulting work, so we did a set of those. I really love this picture but, somehow, her glasses wound up upside down in her hand! I like the expression so much that I think it trumps the glasses, but.... thoughts? Lighting: backlit from windows with sheer curtains; reflectors right+underneath; fill from flash in hotshoe bounced off walls (this one just would not work with OCF in modifiers - just couldn't get it soft enough, and the walls provided a larger source).

4. She'd brought some evening clothes and we couldn't resist "doing diva" for a few. The whole black/backlit thing is SUCH an outdated headshot style (we joked about it the 80's star look), but we had SO MUCH FUN trying to get a couple of hairtosses! Harder than it looks :rofl There's a small LED lightpanel set up behind her on my Trekpod providing the hairlight. (This has had pretty extensive retouching, including running it it through Portrait Pro. The "high glamour" of the dress and lighting seemed to warrant a heavier hand with the retouching). Lighting: Photek softlighter + reflectors under/left + LED panel behind.

5 We went outside after that. YUMMY LIGHT!! Love her expression here, even if my umbrella flash didn't go off :rolleyes and I had to cheat a little in post on this one :wink

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I am in AZ and would love to meet others from Phoenix.
Plenty of others in the corporate series - interesting that you see it as devious; to me it looked friendly instead of formal. We'll see which she prefers!
Here's another one (not sure about this one because of 1. the stuff behind her and 2. the chopped fingers)
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Thanks Charles. I am for sure feeling the limitations of my space but have no choice at this point but to make it work. We had a lot of fun, so it was all good. I'm very pleased at how much I can do with those polypaper backgrounds - I have another one (in fact, the plain white was the back of it) which is kind of a dark blue/brown (I used it in last week's shoot). When shooting wide and blurred out, it almost looks like a spatter cloth. It's nice to have choices at last!
Oh, and the ebay knock-off Apollo softbox I ordered when this shoot was booked? Arrived TODAY, two days late. Oh well! I look forward to next shoot to try it out - it's slightly it's approx 20x30, with an umbrella mount. Can't wait to try it out!
On shot #3 I do not like how prominent her part is and it makes her hair look less natural overall. I think #5 could be a little tighter crop on her face as the arms and chest don't really add to the picture in my humble opinion.
Thanks for sharing the pullbacks also.
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I agree with you about #5, actually - if she wants that one, I'll play around with different crops. I think I just liked the playfulness of both expression and pose which is why I left it in, but on review, I have the same impression you do.
Hadn't noticed the parting on #3, but of course now you mention it, it's all I can see ...
Haven't had her choices yet, but she says she's going to have a tough time choosing because there are so many she likes, which is always nice to hear
I am in AZ and would love to meet others from Phoenix.
Thanks again for the kind words! I'm just pleased she was happy - i'll be interested to see which ones she chooses in the end....