
Basketball. Why you need to constantly experiment!!!!!

JimKarczewskiJimKarczewski Registered Users Posts: 969 Major grins
edited February 6, 2012 in Sports
So, tonight.. I shot @ my old high school. Unfortunately their 37 game regular season winning streak came to an end tonight ( a state record!) But anyway..

Typically in the past I've shot with 4 speedlights, 2 on on each sideline, set to 1/4 power @ 50mm zoom. I decided tonight to change it up to see what would happen (after playing with my new speedlight grids and zoom levels last night) So I shot tonight at 1/4 power, 70mm zoom vs 50mm zoom. All I can say....


So, at 1/4 power and 50mm I was getting 1/200 @ f/3.5, ISO 640. At 70mm, I was getting tonight, 1/200 @ f/4, ISO 400. I should had really dropped down to 1/200 @ 3.2 @ 320 but I didn't think about it to be honest... The 20mm zoom difference wasn't noticeable in the photos on the lighting itself, but the power difference was.

I always set my strobes to 50mm zoom because of all the articles I had read.. but just because what someone else did works, doesn't mean you shouldn't experiment!


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    KikopriceKikoprice Registered Users Posts: 153 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2012
    Every game has been an experiment Jim Laughing.gif. I will add this to the list of things Im trying to remember but somehow forget.
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    Mohammed AlayaliMohammed Alayali Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited February 6, 2012
    I shoot indoor soccer I think its called ( futsal ) .. But during games I can't use anytime of flash because it might affect the players performance.. Anyways I'm thinking of using this method during training .. Can you help me in which equipment I need to preform this method ..

    Will appreciate your help :)
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    FogcityFogcity Registered Users Posts: 108 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2012
    Hey Jim,
    Very interesting! I'll have to give that a try too. I usually shoot at 70mm but recently read somewhere it was better to shoot closer to 50, so have been doing that. So easy to get stuck in a rut!
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