Still learning, quick question
Hey guys/gals! I am still bumping along at a snail pace trying to get better with my pictures. Below is one that I took today and I couldn't seem to get my kitty's whole face in focus. It was done with a D40 with a 35mm 1.8G lens f/2.2 1/20 ISO 800

BTW, you could improve the apparent sharpness of this image if you raised the black point to improve the contrast.
Thanks for the input! I don't know why, but the whole aperture number vs shutter speed is still eluding me a bit. I will give it another try and see what I can come up with!
Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson is a great book for figuring out the purpose of using various aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings. It isn't overly complex, but not too dumbed down either. I got a lot from it when I was first trying to figure out manual settings on my camera.