Photo number sequence problem
I have my photo files numbered as "title with date" 001 then 002 and so on. Uploaded 5 galleries this evening and they do not come in in order of filename number coming in as 001, 010, 100, 101 and so on. All started out in windows explorer in numerical order and I can't get anything in the gallery settings to change to numerical order.
In addition to that, I have a category with 4 galleries and I can't find a way to arrange the 4 galleries within the category by date. The top one is Dec. 19 then on down is the 17th, the 18th and then the 16th is on the bottom of the list. How can I move them so the 16th is on the top and then in order top to bottom.
Sorry for my stupidity but I just can't find a way to solve these issues and have spent a LOT of time on it already this evening.
In addition to that, I have a category with 4 galleries and I can't find a way to arrange the 4 galleries within the category by date. The top one is Dec. 19 then on down is the 17th, the 18th and then the 16th is on the bottom of the list. How can I move them so the 16th is on the top and then in order top to bottom.
Sorry for my stupidity but I just can't find a way to solve these issues and have spent a LOT of time on it already this evening.
You need to set the sort order, in your gallery settings. The sort order option is under Look and Feel. You can also set that using you Gallery Tools. Look for Arrange under Many Photos. Without a link to your site, or your gallery, we can't say why you're having the problem.
It sounds like you may have your galleries arranged automatically, with the most recent first. There's a link in the upper left corner of your homepage gallery display box. You will need to switch that to position, to see the arrange link on your individual category and subcategory pages.
If you prefer to not post your links in the forum, you can email us, and we'll be happy to help you. Just go here:
I set the gallery settings from the tools list to sort by filename and then in the "1 to 99" order. Sent an email with the link to the category that has the 4 galleries. Thanks.
SmugMug Support Hero
As to the sequence of the 4 galleries within one category, I found that I had to create a gallery with the latest date first and load all of the pics, then create a gallery with the next latest date and so on. Had to create and load the galleries one at a time as there was basically no way to arrange the galleries after they had been created out of sequence.
I'll know better next time I suppose. Didn't like having to renumber the way I did but it will work and that's the main thing I guess. Whenever I have assumed room temperature and someone is going thru my files, they'll sit there in wonderment and try to guess why my picture file sequence numbers start with 100 instead of 1. Keep 'em guessing when I'm gone.
up on every gal/cat/sub-cat box. Then you can arrange anyway you'd like.
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Actually tried that, didn't work.
SmugMug Support Hero
I'm not sure I understand the problem youre having, but is it possibly an issue with smugmug sorting alphabetically instead of numerically? For example, 10 would come before 2. You can solve that with more leading 0s. You may need 0001 instead of 001 if your filenames go beyond 1000. Or I may be totally off base.