Tons of Love on the Beach

JohnDCJohnDC Registered Users Posts: 379 Major grins
edited February 13, 2012 in Wildlife
Between December and February thousands of adult Northern Elephant Seals (Mirounga angustirostris) haul out at their rookeries to set up harems, give birth, nurse their pups to weaning, and mate. Coincidentally, mating peaks around Valentine's Day. These photos were taken between January 26th and February 1st, 2012, in the rookeries at Piedras Blancas and Año Nuevo on the coast of Central California.

1. A male elephant seal calls a loud, resonating "conk, conk, conk, ..." to remind surrounding males and his harem that he is the sole master here. The harem masters can weigh 2-3 tons and are ready to throw their weight around if any other males approach their harems. Battles to protect his harem have scarred the nose of this master. A shield of extra thick skin protects his chest.

2. The harem master (right) caught a young "sneaker" male (left) trying to get into the harem. As two harem females watch, the harem master drives the sneaker backwards into the sea. The scars on the backs of both males are badges of previous fights this year.

3. The seduction begins as a harem master courts one of about 30 females in his harem. She is in estrus and is receptive.

4. A moment of coital bliss.

Happy Valentine's Day


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