Early morning shots

Yesterday I got out for my morning hike early.
The dew (or fog) was still on the cactus.

As the sun was coming up the shadows were long

Comments are welcome. I tried many different f stops. This was the best of them.
The dew (or fog) was still on the cactus.

As the sun was coming up the shadows were long

Comments are welcome. I tried many different f stops. This was the best of them.
"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Comments are welcome.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
The color on the second one looks washed out, or too cool. Maybe do some adjustment and warm it up a bit. I think if the second one was warmed up some it would be a much better picture
just my opinion take it or leave it and I won't be offended if you throw it back at me.
[/FONT][FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]My world of photography[/FONT]
The second one prolly has room for some work. The color was quite cool as it was sunrise. Actually that was what caught my eye, the cool color and the shadows. I was not able to capture it as I had hoped though.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. I'll try out your suggestions.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it. You both saw what I was trying to show. The blue mountains and shadows, and the structure of the cactus. At least I accomplished that. I'm still learning my camera functions and the principles of f stops and depth of field.
There are very few scenes of great beauty on this dry brushy hill, so I have to learn to look closely to see good subjects. I got a paw print in the mud last year that was great. And there were a few wild flowers in the spring. Right now there are very few good photographic subjects. I need the help of my friends here to learn to make the most of what I am given. This is my challenge to myself, learning to SEE and learning to use the camera.
Thank you all for your comments. They are very helpful. I do appreciate it.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
No, I really do like the shots. I like the road/whatever in the faraway shot. I think with some more punch you could get what you want. And, knowing you, if you wanted punch, you could get it.
I know I am not making sense, but I do like the photos!
I'm sure I still have that picture. I'll see if I can locate it and post it here.
I'll have to do that later this afternoon - after work.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I'll have to work on these a bit more, as I said. I have learned more about post processing as time has passed, so I may be able to get more out of these.
Thanks for dropping by.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Here's that picture of my house for you. It was a great early morning scene, wasn't it? We get some great fog up here.
I lightened this shot a bit today. My earlier post had no detail in the forground. I like the detail here but it looks like it needs more contrast now that i have it up here. I may try to improve it. It's hard to get the contrast and not get the bushes too dark.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog