Seems to me, with color gone the jeans are no longer discernible
I wonder if you cropped the space between the knee and the edges (sep or bw) so the background was the cloth, whether that would give the hands more impact.
then they would be off center, but with the arms in frame (for balance), it might not be bad
In any event its a nice capture and you're a good sport for trying different ways
My initial comment was going to be try it in BW which I see you did. I like the original and the BW although I would increase the contrast and the black tones a bit. Very nice shot.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Cheers, Richard.
Did you try a B&W ( the wrinkles would make it pop)
incorporate your suggestions. Give me some feedback, please.
In black and white:
In sepia:
In color with the blue jeans darkened up:
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Seems to me, with color gone the jeans are no longer discernible
I wonder if you cropped the space between the knee and the edges (sep or bw) so the background was the cloth, whether that would give the hands more impact.
then they would be off center, but with the arms in frame (for balance), it might not be bad
In any event its a nice capture and you're a good sport for trying different ways