Not really the 60s...
...though some of these people might think so.
This was after a peace rally on Boston Common last Saturday where Cindy Sheehan came to speak. I got there late and these people were very angry, and the police were "controlling" them.
I asked a policeman what was going on and he told me that there had been a group of about 6 neo-nazis and skinheads around the corner provoking the larger crowd of antiwar demonstrators into a frenzy.
The police clearly saw their job as being keeping the two groups apart. They did this in an extremely moderate and good humored way, which is one big difference from how I remember the police in the 60s, especially in Boston.
I asked this man where the neo-nazis and skinheads were. I told him I wanted to take pictures of them. He told me, "they aren't worth it."
I went looking for them, but unfortunately (for me the photographer), they had dispersed then.
This was after a peace rally on Boston Common last Saturday where Cindy Sheehan came to speak. I got there late and these people were very angry, and the police were "controlling" them.
I asked a policeman what was going on and he told me that there had been a group of about 6 neo-nazis and skinheads around the corner provoking the larger crowd of antiwar demonstrators into a frenzy.
The police clearly saw their job as being keeping the two groups apart. They did this in an extremely moderate and good humored way, which is one big difference from how I remember the police in the 60s, especially in Boston.
I asked this man where the neo-nazis and skinheads were. I told him I wanted to take pictures of them. He told me, "they aren't worth it."
I went looking for them, but unfortunately (for me the photographer), they had dispersed then.
If not now, when?
Did you use a filter to protect the front surface of your lens from the snow? The freeze framed snow really helps display the weather you were shooting in too.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I do keep a UV filter on most my lenses most of the time. These were shot with 5D + 24-70 f/2.4L. There is a story about the camera and the weather, but I'll post eventually on the cameras forum as it's not very relevant here.
My usual workflow, especially L curve and sharpening did wonders for that snow.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thank you, Jim. The first three got essentially the same treatment. ACR with custom white balance on one of the signs. Convert to LAB. A little shadow/highlight on the L channel to recover some shadow detail. LAB curves with A 10, B 15 steepening. Two passes of USM, conventional and HIRALOAM.
The last got the LAB book Chapter 16 technique which is just starting to work for me after some false starts. I'm about ready to write two LAB summaries now, Ch 8 and Ch 16.
TML Photography
Sometimes when the sanitized world we live in shows some smudging, its a good thing. Great technical photo's, great captures of events. Great Job!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
If the police won't oblige, get down low and make those poor students look mean and intimidating. Too bad about the super bad guys!
ginger:D (I have to leave one smiley, I took the other 10 off.)
(or come on down to Atlanta)
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.