Annular Solar Eclipse
There will be an annular (not total) solar eclipse in the western US on May 20. An annular eclipse is where the moon will center on the sun, but the moon is too far from earth at that time to totally obscure the sun. Albuquerque will be one of the areas in the eclipse path, and the eclipse in Albuquerque will be in the late afternoon just before sunset. This might offer a unique photo op for a sunset with / without good foreground or distant elements. Also, an eclipse of this kind will throw circular shadows through a small opening (e.g. leaves of a tree) and some unusual shots might be made of that too. All that said, can anyone offer up some ideas and locations around Albuquerque that would be good to check out? I live in Texas and I've never been to Albuquerque, but I will plan to be there on May 20.