Light Room 3, Feb 14 Only $79.95 @ Adorama

Ok, this looks like a good deal. I dont have any past versions but Im hoping this is a good way to get in the door so I can just buy upgrades after this. Am I right in this thinking. Im not a pro but I like to shoot RAW. I just use the software that came with my Canon currently. Does anyone think this would be worth it for someone like me? Also, is this indeed a good deal. Its only $20 off but maybe it is $79 everywhere else every day. I was unable to find it this cheap though. Basically I dont know what Im doing and could use a small amount of guidance on what software I should have. I use Gimp now and dont even own photoshop. Which takes me to the question, should I get Elements or the full Photoshop. Im not even sure of the newest versions.
If I was a non pro, which I am and I had the choice between buying any 2 of 3 of these. IMO< for what it's worth.
LR3 YES $79
Elements YES $79
PS CS5 NO $$$$$ sit down before viewing prices>
Edit I could only choose 1, it would be LR, hands down.
I would start learning LR first, I think that will give the most bang for the buck.
I very strongly recommend LR rookies get Scott Kelby's book on LR3. It's the single best, most comprehemsive resource I've found for LR3. No better way to spend $20-25 on learning resources.
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Gear: Lots of Nikon bodies & glass, an office full of tools and toys
Scott Kelbys book is great...retail is $49.95 (maybe 99) but I looked at Amazon for about a week or 2 shortly after it was released and got it for under $25 new...
really just depends on the bookstores on amazon...I rarely buy new, used is good enuff for long as the book has all its pages attached.
Nikon D700 | D300 | D80 | SB-800(x2) | SB-600(x2)
Nikkor Lenses: 14-24 f/2.8 | 24-70 f/2.8 | 50 f/1.8 | 85 f/1.4 | 70-200 f/2.8 VR II | 70-300 VR
LR4 is certainly not far away. There is a public beta of LR4 that expires at the end of March and the Adobe Product Manager said on one of Kelby's programs that it would not be a career enhancing event if the beta expired much before the final product was released.
So I'd want to know about the upgrade cost before I could know how good this deal really is.
LR1>LR2 was $99 upgrade
LR2>LR3 was $99 upgrade...I suspect the pattern will hold