DSS #96 CONGRATULATIONS TO memol for your win!

JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
edited February 25, 2012 in The Dgrin Challenges
Vote for the top 10 photos in DSS Challenge #96 (Vanishing Point(s))

Choose up to your Top 10, you have multiple votes! You may vote for one or more up to 10.
The gallery is here for commenting.

You have the ability to choose up to 10 of your top choices by selecting them from the poll.
The poll will remain open for 70 hours, and any previously registered member of DGrin may vote.

Warning: you will not be able to come back and add more choices after you click the voting button.

There was 7 disqualification this round :cry
Wallydog- abandoned; out of challenge time frame
Mathieu05 - The Calling; branding
Ryker- At a distance; out of challenge time frame
Peter Conaway; No dgrin user name or title
stumblebum- Race track playa, Death Valley; out of challenge time frame
Smittie62- Tracking into the Setting Sun; out of challenge time frame.
fjcvisual- Straight up; submitted after gallery was closed. (sorry :cry )

P.S. If your observant you will see that more than 10 can be chosen. Just remember if you vote for all of them its like you didn't vote :wink *Also you are able to see any photo in its large form by clicking on it.

Vanishing Point(s) 474 votes

PedalGirl - Golden Arches
5% 24 votes
ghinson - First Light
5% 26 votes
photo-funtasia - The shortest way
1% 6 votes
billseye - Vanishing Tradition: The Family Dining Table
1% 8 votes
Chandlerja - Main Street
5% 27 votes
endurodog - Road to the Sky
4% 20 votes
lkbart - Strung out
4% 19 votes
SAMBALAM - Rainbow Row
1% 6 votes
bbjones - Mission Soledad
0% 2 votes
Jenn - A Child's Playground
6% 31 votes
AaronNelson - Lionplay
0% 1 vote
GretaPics - "hold your breath and make a wish!' (tunnel superstitions)
2% 10 votes
sweetharmony - June and Roger on Lockport Bridge
0% 1 vote
kdotaylor - Dan's Old Remington
4% 19 votes
cbbr - Morning Light
3% 15 votes
jberenba - Implication
0% 1 vote
MikeK - Powder Point Bridge
0% 3 votes
K10D - Vanishing Point on Target
0% 0 votes
BradfordBenn - Denoised
4% 23 votes
mommajojo - vanishing path
1% 9 votes
DsrtVW - Bridge into the Delta
0% 0 votes
kentwaller - underground passage
4% 21 votes
Johnloguk - Walk This Way
1% 7 votes
Jeffro - Into the Blue
0% 1 vote
jmcphoto - Trouble on the Tracks
3% 17 votes
dnie - vague destinations
2% 13 votes
torrbrae - Under the Wharf
5% 24 votes
memol - Bridge of the Gardens
6% 33 votes
cambyses - Hotel Hunt
0% 2 votes
Syncopation - Fetch
2% 11 votes
Amadeus - Cowboys and Indians
0% 0 votes
webstersway-The Tunnel
2% 13 votes
Azgard - Endless
0% 3 votes
DeuceFour - Flower Child
2% 14 votes
sapphire73 - Down by the Farm
4% 19 votes
LicenseToChill - Warp 7
2% 14 votes
SeascapeS - Scenic Stroll
2% 10 votes
dc.roake - Taillights
0% 3 votes
Art Morgan - Old Time Fun: Penny Squashing
0% 3 votes
Earache - Old School Bridge
1% 7 votes
learnin - Dominos
0% 4 votes
WhatSheSaw - A Winter's Day
0% 4 votes


  • JeffroJeffro Registered Users Posts: 1,941 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Voted. So many great entries this time around.
    Always lurking, sometimes participating. :D
  • JennJenn Registered Users Posts: 1,009 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    I voted, too... :) This was a good learning challenge for me. Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement you all gave me as I was struggling with my own entry.

    There are so many interesting entries! It's been fun.
    Jenn (from Oklahoma)
    Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
    Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
  • dniednie Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 1,351 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    I voted too... must say I was disappointed that a couple I had watched in the boards didn't didn't make it to the gallery.
    Many great entries this round!!
  • AzgardAzgard Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Voted. Lots of interesting and unique takes on this subject. :)
  • SnowgirlSnowgirl Registered Users Posts: 2,155 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Really, really hard to choose among all of these excellent entries. Wow!
    Creating visual and verbal images that resonate with you.
    Picadilly, NB, Canada
  • DonRicklinDonRicklin Registered Users Posts: 5,551 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Voted! Not easy. headscratch.gif

    Has DDS # 97 been posted yet?

    Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
    'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
    My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook
  • GretaPicsGretaPics Registered Users Posts: 373 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Wonderful entries everyone! Initially I had so much trouble with the theme of this challenge, but eventually, with the gallery as a guide, I began to notice vanishing points in things I had never seen before, and saw how it could translate into interesting images. GP
  • PappyRootPappyRoot Registered Users Posts: 174 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    I voted. Good luck everyone.
    Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
    My flickr Account
  • DeuceFourDeuceFour Registered Users Posts: 350 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Votes are in!! Was it yours? Who knows!!! Time will tell!! Nice round everyone..time to find some eyeballs!
  • SeascapeSSeascapeS Registered Users Posts: 814 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    I voted too! Thanks for another wonderful round, guys! Good luck!
    If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited February 22, 2012
    Difficult vote! - Done :)
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera
    TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
  • websterswaywebstersway Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited February 22, 2012
    I voted, too...
  • K10DK10D Registered Users Posts: 45 Big grins
    edited February 22, 2012
    Put my vote in, but it was really hard to decide. Everyone did really well this round. Good Luck to Allwings.gif
  • SAMBALAMSAMBALAM Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited February 23, 2012
    Very well done! I had a lot of favorites!!
  • Mathieu05Mathieu05 Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
    edited February 23, 2012
    Voted and it's difficult to choose when everyone brought their A-game :)
    Chris Odchigue | Photography

    “There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited February 24, 2012
    In about 30 minutes and this poll will close. Get those votes in! Noted I said it would close in 70 hours from the time posted.
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited February 24, 2012
    Announcing the top 5 images for DSS #96 Vanishing Point(s).

    CONGRATULATIONS memol for your first place win!clap.gif


    The following photographers are now qualified to participate in Mega Challenge #16.

    torrbrae (tied for 5th)
    PedalGirl (tied for 5th)

    Congrates to all who placed and to those who participated and commented a big thank you!
    Winning PM's will be sent out ASAP.thumb.gif
  • PedalGirlPedalGirl Registered Users Posts: 794 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congrats Memol!! Nice shot... well deserved! thumb.gif Congrats to Jenn, Chandlerja, ghinson and torrbrae as well!!

    Thanks to everyone who voted for my entry... the votes really exceeded my expectations among the great shots this round!! I'm honored to be in such good company!
    Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
  • dniednie Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 1,351 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congrats to all the winners!
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited February 24, 2012
    Well-deserved win for Memol! And congratulations to all the other winners. This fun challenge brought in lots of great entries! clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif
  • JennJenn Registered Users Posts: 1,009 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congrats Memol!! I really love to your image and all the different shapes and curves. It was very eye catching. :D A wonderful image.

    I'm so excited to be in second place! When I started doing this, I never saw myself here, but because I have had such good inspiration and help from so many people here ... I feel like I owe you all a special thank you for all your help along the way. :D ty ty ty And a big thank to my current mentor. :D
    Jenn (from Oklahoma)
    Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
    Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
  • JeffroJeffro Registered Users Posts: 1,941 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congrats to the Winner and the runners up, all great shots. And thanks to whoever voted for me.....:hide I didn't really think my shot had a chance, compared to the entries I had already seen posted, but I still wanted to play along.
    Always lurking, sometimes participating. :D
  • AzgardAzgard Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited February 24, 2012
  • SAMBALAMSAMBALAM Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congrats to all the winners! Well done!
  • TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Memol, excellent work and deserving of the votes!!!!
    Aaron Nelson
  • CHANDLERJACHANDLERJA Registered Users Posts: 400 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congratulations Memol! clap.gif Well deserved!! Just love everything about it! thumb.gif

    Congrats Jenn! I loved your photo when you first posted it even without the car! thumb.gif

    Congrats Ghinson! I really thought yours would win this one! Fantastic shot! thumb.gif

    Congrats PedalGirl! The light in your image is truly outstanding with processing to die for!! thumb.gif

    Congrats Torrbrae! Loved the final crop and processing! The vanishing point truly stands out! thumb.gif

    Thank you all who voted for mine! I agree with all the comments posted about the lighting problems and wish I had the time to re-shoot or play with the processing a little more. I had already spent about 8 hours getting it to that point! Combining a 8 shot mosaic panoramic is not an easy task even in PS.
    Lots of trial and error along with small edits to each image. Even then it never seems to come out perfect so once its close there is still allot of editing left to do in the final shot just to make everything line up! Of course I'm not complaining! I really do love it!! :D

    If you have never tried it please feel free to download my Exif shots and give it a try! I use PS Elements and would be happy to share the things I have learned processing these types of shots and would love to learn some new tricks others may know!!

    Thanks again and congrats to all the entries! Really good shots all around this time!! clap.gifclap.gif
    Light is everything in life and photography.
  • endurodogendurodog Registered Users Posts: 183 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congrats guys and gals, some great shots!!!!
  • kdotaylorkdotaylor Registered Users Posts: 1,280 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congratulations to memol! Well done indeed. Also congrats to the runners up.....nice work, all.
    "You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
  • MemolMemol Registered Users Posts: 115 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Thank you all for your votes and congratulations to Jenn, Chandlerja, ghinson and torrbrae. I am so happy that I took this photo, as I said before taking this photo was completely unplanned and when I noticed the vanishing point in this beautiful architecture I just wanted to give it a try. This tells me that I should always have my camera with me. rolleyes1.gif
  • Troy RaymondTroy Raymond Registered Users Posts: 171 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2012
    Congratulations Memol and the top qualifiers. This was definitely a 'challenge' to vote. :D Great photos everyone!
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