Chroma Keying software

Anyone have a recommendation for their favorite photo chroma keying software. I hear good things about Primatte Chromakey, but ideally I would like to spend less than its $300 MSRP.
Stand-alone, Photoshop or Aperture plugins are all fine. OS X, ideally 64 bit.
Stand-alone, Photoshop or Aperture plugins are all fine. OS X, ideally 64 bit.
Do you really mean to use a chromakey (blue or green) BG? That's really better suited to video. For digital still photography, I've had much better results with a light to medium grey BG. And I enthusiastically endorse Topaz Labs Remask. I find it much easier to use and I get better results from it than the "refine edge" feature of Photoshop CS5.
An added plus is that it's only $70.00.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
I have been using it for events and find it is very easy to use and forgiving.
Wrinkled backgrounds and uneven lighting seem relatively easy to set up to over come.
I turn out 2-300 prints a night with me shooting and then printing and my son printing right through. We usually do different backgrounds for variety but Photokey has the ability to batch so if you want to do a lot of prints with the same bg, you just point it at a folder and off it goes.
I found it very easy to use and practical for what I do. I have read there are better, more perfect programs out there but for the speed and results I get, I doubt there are many that could do better. If you are looking for ultimate perfection and have 10 min to spend on an image, well maybe there are better proggys, but my requirements are different to that.
At every event I do the clients are stoked and every job results in more bookings from other organizations.