Sharing site for a photo group?

Hey folks, looking for a bit of an unusual info..
there is a bunch of people dabbling into photography at my work, and they started a club.
Seeing that not many are from the same location, the question was raised - which site can we use to share experience, images, and comment on them.. but to make the group private?
I am thinking Yahoo groups could be it, but i'd like to see if there are any other (better?) alternatives.
Flickr and Deviant will not work due to being blocked by our firewall.:(
there is a bunch of people dabbling into photography at my work, and they started a club.
Seeing that not many are from the same location, the question was raised - which site can we use to share experience, images, and comment on them.. but to make the group private?
I am thinking Yahoo groups could be it, but i'd like to see if there are any other (better?) alternatives.
Flickr and Deviant will not work due to being blocked by our firewall.:(
It allowed for sharing and comments within a private group. May be worth checking out.
Another option may be to use Picasa and only allow certain people access (I'm not sure if this allows uploading or not from different accounts though)
I'll check out Zanzing.. though, I do see they are limiting number of uploads... hmm.
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