Nikon AF 80-200mm f/2.8
NIKON 80-200mm f2.8 lens
Great Lens with filter, hood, and ring mount. 2 ring model, not push-pull.
$700 shipped within CONUS. Paypal.
Purchased one year ago from a local sports photographer (he was the only owner for eight years), and it has stayed in my camera bag. It is a great lens, just too heavy for me...and it deserves to be used!

Great Lens with filter, hood, and ring mount. 2 ring model, not push-pull.
$700 shipped within CONUS. Paypal.
Purchased one year ago from a local sports photographer (he was the only owner for eight years), and it has stayed in my camera bag. It is a great lens, just too heavy for me...and it deserves to be used!

AF-D or AF-S?
It is two ring and AF-D.
And if so, do you have any samples shots with it? Sharp copy? I am VERY interested. Have paypal waiting.
PM sent
I'm in the market for this exact lens. I appreciate you being up front about it being owned by a sports photographer for eight years. That fact does scare me a bit, because if he shot sports like most that I know, that lens has had a pretty hard life and those blades have been open and closed A LOT!
Are there any actions, sounds or slop that you notice at this time.