I *love* CPS :-)

Sent my 5D2 to Irvine for cleaning, and also asked if it would be possible to repair/replace the glass (or the whole component) of the the top LCD dispaly (that was scratched) and how much it would cost. Just got the call that not only they would do it, they would do it on the house! :ivar
Man, that gold cps membership is definitely worth the annual Ben it costs. :deal:thumb
Man, that gold cps membership is definitely worth the annual Ben it costs. :deal:thumb
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I just joined CPS (Gold as well) - glad to hear it's worked out so well for you!
Thanks, I won't.. :-)
I can get a decent idea by the image number, as it only recycles only every 10,000 clicks, which moments are relatively easy to find in the archives.
Camera sent to Irvine Tue Feb 28 around 4pm via UPS Ground.
Despite being out of warranty, upper LCD unit has been replaced free of charge.
Cleaned, fixed, shipped back Fedex Overnight
Received by the happy owner Thu Mar 1st around 2pm, i.e. in less than 48 hours!
Great job, Canon Irvine!
Stop the great unwashed now before it's too late!