
so i'm talkng to my local Camera Guru at the local Camera shop. And he mentions something about how nikon lenses are soo much better than canons.
. So i tell him its too bad there isn't a way to put them on a canon. He tells me there is. but he had to run. so i was wondering if there is such a thing as a Nikon-to-Canon Mount lense adapter. or any brand of Cameras really.
just curious


just curious

Daniel Bauer
I am the biggest Nikon fan going but the difference beween the lenses ain't that much that you would want to be fooling around with an adaptor. In some ranges Nikon is better and in otehr ranges Canon is better. If you go to another camera store their guru might tell you the Canon lenses are superior.
One thing both brands have in common is that their better glass costs more than we want to pay. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Yes, there is.
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That is why the camera sales person had to go. Yes, sometimes there are adapters, but unless you have a VERY SPECIFIC NEED, and know exactly what you are geting into, you do not want to go there. Andy knows this and understands this, but di dnot mention it in his post above. I am sure he agrees that you cannot just drop a Nikon lens on an EOS body via an adapter and have the same user friendly experience of a Canon EOS lens on an EOS body OR vice versa.
Pick a system of lenses - Canon, Nikon, Minolta maybe, Olympus maybe - and stick with that. Then you can chose an appropriate camera body. But make your choice based on lenses.
One old generality was that Nikon makes better wide angle lenses, and Canon makes better telephotos. But I am sure that Harry will take excepetion to this idea and for very good reasons. It is no longer true
Like Harry said, really good glass is not cheap. The only consolation is that cheap glass never gets sharper with age. And good glass lasts almost forever
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
"Osprey Whisperer"
The empirical evidence is overwhelming: if this is what you care about get a Sony F707. Nobody else here seems even to be on the same planet as Yuri in this particular measure.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
"Osprey Whisperer"
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Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Last but not Least!!!
Duct Tape!
adjustments to make sure the lens will focus to infinity and is square etc, but it is inexpensive. This technique actually works fairly well for reversing a 50mm lens to use as a macro - you have to glue an reversing ring into the body cap and then mount the 50mm reversed. Duct tape might help here - I think I would be very reluctant to use duct tape around my cameras and my fine optics. Duct tape is pretty good for blisters though!!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin