For Posterity
Yes Harry another tree rat:D However this is a special tree rat. This old girl is in year 9 and we have been trying for weeks to get a fair shot of her to print, took the 70-200 f4 to get this (love that lens!). I think it is a good shot but my perception of 'good' often isn't real hot. Your thoughts are wanted and very welcome.

Is nine old for a squirrel ??? or not really ??? she looks in very good condition.
I love the way they seem to do that 20 chews before they swallow routine, munch, munch, munch, leaving you wondering if they are ever gonna swallow what they keep shoving in their mouths
A very nice shot on your part Thusie...... I like it
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I love squirrels and enjoy working with them, but am VERY HAPPY when they can go back out where they belong.
Glad you like the picture Skippy, thanks
She doesn't look a day older than the squirrels I see. Do you pamper her?
Just kidding, nice work and keep them coming-- we need all the biodiversity we can get here!
Like others here, how do you know she/he is nine and is that old ?
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Ginger I sure would like to pamper her, but she wouldn't tolerate humans mucking about in her life. I'm sure more than her knees hurt, her front feet are pretty stiff and she doesn't climb well, she has certainly lost a step or two in the last couple years. Aha but just the other day she kicked the dog snot out of a squirrel much her junior:D We don't think she'll make the winter so that is why we wanted a good picture. We have really enjoyed watching her over the years. Thanks for the complements.
Very good shot.