
Importing Camera from US to Australia

T(h)orstenT(h)orsten Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
edited November 3, 2005 in Cameras
Importing Camera from US to Australia

I just bought a larger package from B&H in the US into Australia. All went well. So excited, as this is my first DSLR (20D).

Below are a few points to consider for all who plan something similar.

I evaluated the following options

1) Buy locally in Australia. Shop (eg Digital City Sydney, Paxton, Ted’s …) or mail order (eg camerasdirect.com.au)

2) Buy from an ebay store/ powerseller on eBay Australia, goods are imported from Hong Kong (eg digital-rev-oz)

3) Buy in the US over the web

I did not look at buying used.

Things to know

When buying in Australia: If you leave Australia within 30 days after buying, GST (10% goods & services tax) can be claimed back under the TRS scheme at the airport. Be aware that Australian residents have to – theoretically – declare the goods when entering Australia again. The GST free limit is 900 A$ (passenger concession). Everything over has to be taxed on return to Australia. Find details at http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=4646

Non-US citizen do not qualify for the current Canon Triple Rebate program! :wink

10% GST on goods value + transport cost are due when importing into Australia (most eBay offers are shipped from HongKong).

Credit card conversion fees occur (2% with Amex Oz card) when buying from the US. Not when buying from eBay Oz.

But now the fun part. The ultimate Sydney camera test! :rofl :rofl



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