*SUDDEN DEATH* Voting round #97 (24 hours only)

Woooohweeee!! I don't think I can ever recall such a tight pack of voting going on! Well we have a tie for first place which means a sudden death vote for our two images to see which one gets to take home the first place prize!:dunno
Congrates to Aaron Nelson and NelsonK! :clap
This poll will be open for 24 hours and you can only vote for one!:deal
Congrates to Aaron Nelson and NelsonK! :clap
This poll will be open for 24 hours and you can only vote for one!:deal
Vote for 1, The Eyes have it! 60 votes
23. AaronNelson - An Eye For An Eye
35 votes
32. NelsonK - In My Daughter's Eye
25 votes
This discussion has been closed.
My flickr Account
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
This is tough, like both very well. Good luck on a job well done.
and I only have a Knife.... We all know Eyes have more power:D kinda like the pen.