Model Release
I intend to take photos of high school sports and sell them- do I need to have a model release? My intent is to sell to player's family & friends - and I would use them in an editorial nature (blog).
For editorial use most of the time it is going to be okay. It depends a great deal on the specific situation. When it doubt stand where the crowd is and you'll be safe. If you start walking around sidelines, etc, you may be asked to leave or risk being charged with trespassing.
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I think you will need to get a hold of the athletic association to see who has the photo contract and go from there, that could be determined at the school level or the Dist. level, really just depends on where you are at ... shooting from the stands will not net the best pix but the sidelines are reserved for the official photog(s), but I have seem some amazing pix from the stands, as it allows for a whole different perspective.
Good Luck.
As original as that idea is, you have to admit it might have been done before, so a google search would be a good place to glance at first: