Problem with Camera Awesome!
Trying to upload to any site I've authorized leads to 'preparing for sharing' and the little whirly-gig going round and round.....and round and round.... for forever. Nothing happens. Longest I've left it going was for more than 60 mins. 
Iphone 4s on Sprint
5.1 update (although it was doing this before the update, too)
"Faster sharing" checked
I've tried deleting app and reinstalling - I get the same thing. Any advice...? Cuz I love this app and have made multiple in-app purchases.

Iphone 4s on Sprint
5.1 update (although it was doing this before the update, too)
"Faster sharing" checked
I've tried deleting app and reinstalling - I get the same thing. Any advice...? Cuz I love this app and have made multiple in-app purchases.

When you are trying to share, are you connected to WiFi?
Also, what you may want to try dong is clearing out all of your multitasking applications, then hard-resetting your phone by pressing and holding the power and home buttons until the device shuts of and giving it another shot. Especially if you have gone in and downloaded a fresh application, doing this should help quite a bit.
Support Hero
Wifi and/or 3G connection. And I tried everything you suggested, but still having the issue.
Still no dice.
It does. And that's the workaround I've been using.
FWIW, I'm also having the same issue. I'm also on Sprint with an iPhone 4S, and I've seen this with both 3G and WiFi.
After doing that, head to the iPhone settings app > Camera! section and enable the "reset sharing accounts" setting. Then open Camera Awesome and try sharing again.
Make sure that you're on a stable WiFi connection before giving it a try. Best is to use your home WiFi. It's important that the WiFi doesn't require you to log in via the browser (like on some public WiFi networks on airports etc.).
SmugMug Support Hero
Same here on iPhone 4S with latest update and on WiFi at work.
Hi Don, I am writing directly to you in a last attempt to get an informed response and a possible fix to what seems to be an ongoing problem with Camera Awesome. Since this is your business, I thought you might want to know what's actually going on. When trying to upload, I get a "fetching user info" message and the beach ball that goes on indefinitely and does nothing. This issue renders the app completely useless to me as one of the reasons I bought it was to upload images to my Smugmug account on the go. I have unsuccessfully uninstalled and reinstalled the app after rebooting my iPhone5. When trying to get your hero team and the awesomize team to look into this, it seems they themselves are not aware of this problem or chose not to acknowledge that this is actually a bug with the app. If you google "problem with Camera Awesome" you will find links to blogs such as this one,, describing my exact problem. I am asking you to please look into this situation and provide a reasonable response and hopefully a fix to what otherwise is a great app. Thanks
Thank you for your post. I will be your point person with this issue. I am currently testing this as we speak, and will provide an update with my findings soon.
Thank you!
Photo Blog
I have tested this on all of the different share settings in Camera Awesome on an iPhone 5. Can you please create a new thread in our Bug Reporting Forum with the exact steps to recreate this? Such as where you are trying to upload when you receive the "fetching user info" error. It looks like you are trying to upload directly to your SmugMug account. Are you selecting any of the "Cross Posting" options? Can you also provide your SmugMug Website URL?
Thank you!
Photo Blog
No upload, no down load, no side load, no nothing, now just fetching you material!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whats up with the app??????????????? please Help!!!!!!!!!
What did you last do before the issue occurred? Did you try to share a photo/video to a service? If so, what service?
SmugMug Support Hero
Every time I try to delete a photo/photos the app closes.
Deleted and reinstalled, same thing happens.
Also now no photos show that app has taken?
How do I fix this and are my photos gone?
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When you delete an app from iOS it asks you if you are sure you want to delete it, and all of its contents. When you deleted it, you also deleted the photos. If you've made a phone backup recently, the photos should be stored in the phone backup. You should be able to restore the phone to that backup and recover the photos. If you do have an earlier backup file but don't want to restore to it, I can provide instructions (or do it for you, if you're willing) on how to pull the just the photos out of them (using programs like iExplorer, which can navigate an iphone backup).
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
With the Camera Awesome app no longer being supported by SmugMug and the upgraded iOS causing the crash when using delete using the app to delete the images is not possible. Our suggestion is to make sure the images are backed up to a computer and or to SmugMug, then uninstall the app and reinstall. When the app is uninstalled the images are deleted as well. Then in the backed up copy of the files on SmugMug and/or on your computer you can delete the unwanted images there.
SmugMug Support Hero