Another bad paypal story
I know there are lots of reasons to stop using Paypal and I have had some problems with them in the past - several years ago.
But since everyone uses them I've stuck with them over the last several years and have been problem-free. I've never had a disputed or reversed transaction and I buy and sell quite regularly using paypal to receive or send funds. I don't use paypal gift and they always get their 2.9% out of me.
Today I got this:
Again - I haven't had a problematic transaction in 6-8 years.
Goodbye paypal.
But since everyone uses them I've stuck with them over the last several years and have been problem-free. I've never had a disputed or reversed transaction and I buy and sell quite regularly using paypal to receive or send funds. I don't use paypal gift and they always get their 2.9% out of me.
Today I got this:
Starting 4/5/2012, money from payments you receive will be placed in a pending balance for up to 21 days. By doing this, we're making sure that there's enough money in your account to cover potential refunds or claims.
Even though you can't access the money right away, please ship orders quickly and communicate with your customers. After 21 days, you can withdraw money from each payment as long as the customer hasn't filed a dispute, chargeback, claim, return, or reversal.
Why are my payments being held?
We reviewed your account and determined that there's a relatively higher than average risk of future transaction issues (such as claims, or chargebacks, or payment reversals). We understand that it may be inconvenient to have your payments temporarily held but please know that we didn't make this decision lightly.
Before deciding to hold payments, we consider many factors. These factors include account and transaction activity, the rate of customer disputes, the type of business a seller runs, average delivery timeframes, customer satisfaction, performance and history.
Again - I haven't had a problematic transaction in 6-8 years.
Goodbye paypal.
So, what payment system are you going to use now?
I rarely use eBay any more and have not used my PP acct for well over a year. Most of my transactions are cash (local), check (if the buyer will take and ship when it clears) or a USPS MO. The only real assurances anyone has these days are cash and in person... sad to say. You see the product, handle it and turn over cash if you're happy. Most everything else is a crap-shoot, hiding in the anonymity of the WWW.
Seems trust (in today's biz or buying/selling worlds) is a dying belief and fewer are trustworthy or trusting enough. Guess this is the society we are living in these days. Downhill in some regards and a steep uphill climb in others.
As far as I know there is no ability to dispute a payment, but there isn't anywhere else either, and IMHO, the dispute aspect of Paypal is the biggest area of abuse and trouble.
Oh and no cost to use it either.
Paypal is already gouging customers by providing what are essentially extremely low risk short term loans for 3% (or whatever it is they charge). If that isn't bad enough I'd have to tack on an additional 3% to every purchase to cover the exchange between Cdn and US currency.
No thanks.
I believe ebay owns paypal, so this is not too surprising. No problems for me with them yet, but I've been reading lots of bad stories. Like how they eat kittens and smash violins.
One of those statements is probably a lie. Click here to see which one.
Next order of business is to look into that dwolla business.
Dwolla is awesome. But then again, I've not had one single issue with Paypal in 9 years. I also use and love Square and Google Checkout.
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If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
yes ebay owns pp and that is why all other options of payment has been taken off the shelf by ebay....and I like many others here have never had a prob with PP ... and i was using them shortly after they came on the scene .... well before ebay purchased them.
Dwolla??? hMMMM ....i'll have to check it out...Andy says they are good so they must be...
Plan on selling more items on eBay and paying for shipping online? Then it's best to have a minimum PayPal balance on a regular basis to pay for possible shipping needs and letting PayPal earn interest on your balance (and the 21-day mandatory free loan) free of charge.
I only worry about the aggressive Craiglisters that want to buy my item asking for my name and PayPal account name and obviously with a reply will know my email address.
Should I worry if someone knows my name, email address and PayPal account name? Which is basically the same information someone can find after they've bought something from me on eBay.
Thanks in advance
I keep a record of these replies so I don't have to re-request again.
Nearly 99% say okay, most of them have a PP negative comment, seems Ebay requires them to only accept PP for payment...that way, they get their 'cut'.
Ditch PayPal. I too use Google Checkout and Square. Perfect combo.
I "gots me" a square but have only used it for actual in person swiping ... how does it work with over the phone or verbal CC taking? are the rates higher, is there a delay of payment?
Certified Journeyman Commercial Photographer
You just punch on the CC info and billing zip. No deposit delay. 3.5% fees.
If buying via EBAY the buyer is protected very well; the seller not so much. There are many stories about a refund return being a brick in a box. For non-EBAY transactions; the protection is much weaker but it's still there.
Paypal is essentially an Escrow. Given the DOA return policy, a 21 day delay seems reasonable for larger transactions.
Personally; I buy enough online that I've never withdrawn anything from Paypal despite selling thousands in lenses and computers.
Thanks for all the helpful alternatives everyone!
I've used Paypal for about 10 years, but also have a Google Checkout account. Amazon always seems to be the "gold standard" so Amazon Payments might be a good one to consider. Andy touts Dwolla and I trust Andy, so that would also be a good one to look at.
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Now days I think people can do a chargeback for up to 6mo. So some cannot afford to pay rent in 5mo after they make a payment to you ? They can do a chargeback get the money and you are left with a frozen bank acct if you do not have the funds to cover it. No Thanks. I can see 7- 30days but 6mos.. ?