Been busy and now that days are short
I've had limited time to shoot, but I did grab a few mins. to grab this shot before taking my son back to school after fall break. The light was just right and I had been viewing ths scene out my family room window for a few days wanting to capture it light coming thru the leaves. The raw version required a lot of post work(mostly in lab color space) to lighten it up and make the leaves come alive with the suns radiance and the sky wanted to go white since I was shooting into the sun. I eventually selected the sky and created a layer of the selection, made an adj fill layer set to a solid color picking a light cyan-blue. Then a command click on the layer to open the blend if dialog and adj the highlight sliders on the bottom layer till it looked right. Actually went pretty quick. Exif embedded. All comments critiques welcome.


I have taken a lot of shots under maples trying to get this but all too dark
I'll have to give your technique a try see what happens
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Strong graphically with dense color perhaps too 'painterly' for some folks taste:
.........................Enjoy fall colors........................Mereimage
I love the whole set. I never heard of your technique for getting the blue in the sky. I'm not sure how you do that with all those leaves, but I'm going to give it a try. Thanks for the tip.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
And for Snapapple Here is the link to rutts post using this technique to replace white skies..................................Mereimage