Proofing apps for iPad

Hey all. New to the forum, and can't seem to find any recent posts regarding this topic. Given the release of the "Retina Display" iPad this week, I find that is it now, more than ever, a viable tool for client proofing. However, I can't seem to find any definitive answers about recent applications that aid in this area of the photo business. Would very much appreciate any suggestions about proofing apps available that would allow me to integrate this amazing piece of technology into my business.
While the baked in Photos app does a fine job of displaying images, it has no means of annotating anything. I am looking for something more full featured that will allow me to make notes, maybe allow customers to rate photos.
Would absolutely love to see SmugMug deliver an iPad app that not only allows for this level of client proofing, but ties into the online ordering system as well. Let clients browse through and compile their order all from the iPad app while you guide them along the way.
I know there are other ways of doing this, but the iPad brings a lot to the table in terms of impressing a client, and providing a wow factor when clients can browse through their images on such an impressive display with a natural fluid like navigation.