#98 My attempts

This challenge has proven harder than I would have thought. All the first ideas I had were taken right away, as I am sure they were many of our first thoughts. I never dreamed it would be so hard to find contrasting colors. I guess the fact that I was trying to find something completely unique didn't help. I still have an idea or two for the weekend, I am not sure they will pan out. In the mean time, can you give me your thoughts on if these are even remotely in the ball park?
1. Iris

2. Heron Breeding Colors
1. Iris

2. Heron Breeding Colors

The colors in the iris seem to be just good to me, and it's so well focused too.
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If I can find another open Iris maybe I will try that. I could only get so close to this one as it was in my Mothers flower bed, and she couldn't figure out why I wasn't taking pictures of her pretty yellow one.
The heron... I know. If I just could have gotten a little closer to him and got a shot of just the yellow eye and purplish lores. Oh well... I got a good shot out of it either way.
The portapotty... well, at least it was an original idea.
My SmugMug
I am hoping one of mine will be open. If not I may have to go out searching in the country. I know a few old places where homes used to be many years ago and the iris should be blooming.
My SmugMug
My SmugMug
I tried a couple more shots this morning but didn't get any I liked as well as this one.
My SmugMug
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain