Picnik Nitpick
I was terribly disappointed (to put it mildly) when I was informed Picnik would no longer be available on Picasa. Some people think the edits on Picasa are good. I think some of them stink. The main three things I find wrong are 1. The cloning tool is terrible. Picnik was so clean and easy. 2. I use the stickers in my work and now I can't use them any more. 3. The color palette in the text option is horrible. Does anyone know another program or tool that I can use free or purchase that would be comparable to Picnik. I would MOST appreciate all the help I can get.
Also, I don't know why the people at Picnik don't offer there program without Google. I sure would be willing to pay more for it...I now pay $25 a year for premium - It would be worth much more to be able to use the wonderful product that they have. It is a shame to see it go down the drains.
Also, I don't know why the people at Picnik don't offer there program without Google. I sure would be willing to pay more for it...I now pay $25 a year for premium - It would be worth much more to be able to use the wonderful product that they have. It is a shame to see it go down the drains.
Stephen Marsh