#99 (Rockwell): Border or frame rule? Is this pic acceptable?

sweetharmonysweetharmony Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
edited March 24, 2012 in The Dgrin Challenges
The Most fun I've had with a challenge in a long, long time. A recalcitrant cat messed up on catnip, a spoiled chihuahua, a rickety chair, a very large dog wearing a bandanna, a backdrop turned into a sail, trampled garden, sacrificed daffodils, 2 kids and two neighbors, 85 degrees in March.....this was a hoot! I thought of Rockwell portraying the every day as we set this up and I wonder if he would see the humor? This was by far one of the silliest things I've roped my family into for these challenges. And now, I have to ask, is this resulting image considered "framed?" I wanted to work a strong circle and white bg into the image because that's one of the Rockwell graphic tricks that I'm the most fond of......

The Dgrin border/frame definition: Borders/Frames: You may use a simple border of a single color to frame your photo if you feel it will enhance the final image. Natural borders or frames such as windows, doorways, dark vignettes and subjects that float on a solid background will also be permitted. No multi color, decorative or picture frame style borders will be accepted unless waived in a specific round.

Part of the experience (which is fun to share and I'd love to see other people share similar of...outakes and bloopers and the like):


  • PappyRootPappyRoot Registered Users Posts: 174 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    I love your idea. I think it is PERFECT representation of Mr Rockwell!!! After reading the rules I think you would be ok. I hope JAG sees this and will answer that.

    Great job!! clap.gif
    Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
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  • Pat664422Pat664422 Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    Wow, wonderful entry, enjoyed seeing the additional pictures too.
  • sunflowerstudiosunflowerstudio Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    I like where you're going with this (you've captured the rockwell colors and mood). But, I don't think I really like the circle frame -- it works when the picture is on a magazine cover, but here I'm too attracted to the white border around the circle (which ends up looking like it's a part of your composition).
  • sunflowerstudiosunflowerstudio Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    BTW, my guess is that this should be within the rules, though (without an actual magazine cover), 'cause of how I'd interpret this "subjects that float on a solid background will also be permitted."

    There's an awkward border at the top of the picture on my computer (where gray starts, about 1/10th down from the top). Not sure if this was purposeful (it's the kind of thing that might not appear for everyone depending on the brightness of your screen).
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited March 22, 2012
    I would say that this is more like a mask than a frame, however for the sake of the question posed in this thread as to whether it qualifys or not, I would find this to be within the scope of the rules and yes it is permitted. Just remember, a frame should compliment an image and not take away from it.
  • sweetharmonysweetharmony Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    Oh, very good to hear from you all! SFS, the darker line was deliberate, part of a box that fades to the bottom, but it's good to know that it doesn't look right. My monitor isn't probably as bright as your's and it probably looks off to quite a few people besides you.
    Pat, glad you enjoyed the pictures too! And Darryl, I also appreciate your support. So, if maybe the circle is too distracting, there is this to consider:
    1. A square crop (glad I tried this because I like the look of it quite a bit...still seems Rockwell-ish with the curve element:

    2. Doing away with the round curve altogether:
  • PedalGirlPedalGirl Registered Users Posts: 794 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    Just love this, Leah. Very nice... I think the square crop looks better.
    Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
  • sweetharmonysweetharmony Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    Thank you, Joyce for the clarification....I think we cross-posted, too! And Lisa, I'm also gravitating to the square crop. I really look forward to seeing our entries with this one....
  • PappyRootPappyRoot Registered Users Posts: 174 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012

    I am more fond of #2. I am not so sure why I like it so much. I just know that when you place it next to the very first shot you did and then number 1 here I really like #2 better then the other two. It is more pleasing to me. I fell all warm and fuzzy when I look at it. Where as the first two with the white border takes something away for me. Sorry but it appears I am going against Lisa and the others but my vote is for #2.

    Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
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  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    Really like this - made me think Norman Rockwell immediately! IMO the white circle adds to the image - really makes it stand out as a Rockwell type image. And the square crop looks good too. The only thing that bothers me just a bit is the girls scarf being cut off by the circle - you might consider allowing the girls' head/scarf to lay on top of the white circle (&/or maybe adjust the size of the circle) - several of Rockwell's have part of the subject on top of the circular background. Something you can play with if you want. Great idea & execution!
    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
  • sunflowerstudiosunflowerstudio Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2012
    I quite like the square crop and circle, though I was skeptical of the circle in your first try. I agree about not cropping the girl's scarf.

    I really think you've captured the "story" idea in Rockwell in the picture.
  • kwickerskwickers Registered Users Posts: 310 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2012
    Very Nice. I like the square crop, and the original.
  • endurodogendurodog Registered Users Posts: 183 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2012
    Great shot!!!! I like shot 2 for the finished product. Thanks for sharing the other photos of the shoot that day too.
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2012
    Wonderful, both - but the square crop is fantastic!!! clap.gif

    As I understand the new rules, what you did is totally acceptable thumb.gif
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  • GretaPicsGretaPics Registered Users Posts: 373 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2012
    Thanks for getting this challenge off to such a nice start with this very Rockwell inspired image. I agree with Tatiana about the framing rules and I too like the square crop. All in all, a very sweet picture! GP
  • sweetharmonysweetharmony Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
    edited March 24, 2012
    Great feedback from everyone here! Very instructive. Soooo, I've tried something that's somewhere inbetween all of them. Very interesting to see the different views and to see the difference that even minor changes can make. Again, thanks!i-bZFfn6v-M.jpg
  • bbjonesbbjones Registered Users Posts: 234 Major grins
    edited March 24, 2012
    This is getting quite good!

    I like the larger circle; just let the scarf creep over the edge a little bit. Then put the square crop around the whole thing. Well, that's what I'd suggest. mwink.gif
    The goal of my photography is is the effective, original communication of a feeling expressing truth, beauty, or love.

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